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"Communism is as Jewish as the Mafia is Italian. It's a fact that almost all of the convicted spies for communism have been atheist Jews like the Rosenbergs. And international communism was invented by the Jew Karl Marx and has since been led mostly by Jews -- like Trotsky. "
George Lincoln Rockwell
Is Capitalism in America verging on what some might call Communism?
The Jew media likes to stir the kettle and let others do their dirty work for them. Let me use an example 'Hurricane Katrina'. Is our government really responsible for the well being of every nigger on welfare and crack? New Orleans is one of the poorest cities in the nation. Obviously, a majority of the city's population is Black and on welfare. A perfect opportunity for the Jews to hop right in and use the situation and provoke lazy niggers to ask the question, "Why Ain't da gobment here to fix everythang for me likes day usualy do?". I submit to you that a government that acts in every aspect of a citizen’s life is a government of Communism.
Jews advocate giving free food, housing, college tuition, and other thing to numerous to name to Blacks and Mexicans. The Jew hope to drive these races deep into society, promote race mixing and create their uniracialist society to rule over as kings.
Okay, you can laugh at me now! :-) You think these ideas are completely mad don't you? I did too at one time. Do yourself a favor and look around! Everyone has some piece of their individuality being removed daily by local and federal laws. These things can range from religious expression to regulations that let you know where you can speak freely and where you may be arrested for expressing your views in public. God forbid you say something like "Merry Christmas" these days! When you are stripped of your individuality, your race, your freedoms of speech and your rights to express yourself in public, well you’re living in a Marxist society....
ADL Calls for Comprehensive Immigration Reform
New York, NY, February 15, 2006 …The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) is calling on policymakers to reform our current immigration system in a comprehensive manner that will serve America's security, humanitarian and economic interests. The League passed a resolution to that effect at its recent National Executive Committee Meeting in Palm Beach, Florida.
"As a community that has suffered the consequences of a restrictive immigration policy, we are committed to ensuring that America's immigration policy is fair, humane, and serves our nation's interests," said Barbara B. Balser, ADL National Chair, and Abraham H. Foxman, ADL National Director.
The ADL leaders stressed that, "the tenor and outcome of our national debate over the fate of undocumented persons in the U.S. will speak volumes about how America welcomes and embraces foreigners from many lands who come here seeking refuge and opportunity."
Following the resolution's passage, ADL joined other Jewish organizations in a letter calling on Senators to adopt an immigration reform package that addresses the reality of the large population of undocumented workers living in our communities who currently lack meaningful rights under our law and are subject to exploitation.The letter notes, "As leaders of Jewish community organizations, we look both to the teachings of our Jewish religious and ethical tradition, and to core American values relating to immigrants, for guidance on immigration reform. They call on us to 'welcome the stranger' and provide an effective legal immigration system characterized by rule of law, national interest and compassionate treatment."
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