Ignoring Communism While Fighting for Israel

While the Bush administration was pushing Iraq into the spotlight as America’s largest threat, North Korea was probably assembling a real nuclear threat. Ignoring the brutal Communist regime to invade Iraq may be a larger mistake then we are led onto believe.
"What you've seen is a rather predictable series of escalatory statements from North Korea," White House spokesman Ari Fleischer.
The White House has downplayed the threat of a clash with the Red North Koreans for some time now. So, a Communist regime threatens the US with a nuclear strike, publicly informs others that its regime has been working to create long range missiles to carry a nuclear payload across the Pacific. Sounds like a perfect time to invade Iraq, and claim that the real nuclear threat comes from a dilapidated country in the Middle East that is already under the UN’s thumb.
Why has the Bush administration downplayed the threat of North Korean ICBM’s landing on the American west? Could it be that the Bush regime will only devote troops and attention to the enemy’s of Israel? Domestic issues just seem to sit on the back burner while we aid the Jews in a fight for Globalism. And as for threats from North Korea, they will go unanswered until American lives are lost. By that time it will be too late.
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