Jews Behind The Browning of America

Jewish groups support immigration invasion
The (Jewish) Forward reveals that major Jewish organizations supported the recent pro-illegal alien march in Los Angeles and spearhead amnesty legislation.
Commentary by Dr. David Duke
Some European Americans suffer under the illusion that organized Jewish power in America is now an ally in our efforts to stop immigration and preserve the heritage and freedom of our American and European homelands. An article in one of the leading Jewish newspapers in the United States, The Forward, thoroughly crushes that illusion.
Aronoff of the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society
It shows that the organization that “tends to set policy for the Jewish community,” the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (HIAS), has been instrumental in supporting the new amnesty for illegal aliens legislation passed by Senate Judiciary Committee and opposing a contrary bill by Sen. Bill Frist. It also shows the great power and influence of the Jewish lobby on this vital issue. Finally, the article reveals how leading Jewish organizations backed the recent illegal alien march in Los Angeles.
Of course, none of this is new. As my book, Jewish Supremacism, thoroughly documents, the drive and movement to overturn protective American immigration policies of the last century have been so dominated by Jews that prominent Jewish organizations routinely label it a “Jewish movement.” My book, as well as Dr. Kevin MacDonald’s articles and papers, and numerous articles on thoroughly document this undisputed fact.
It is true that a small smattering of Jews oppose immigration from what they see as a danger to their own political power, and it is true some Jewish organizations are for tighter controls to stop the infiltration of terrorists who are themselves driven in no small part by America’s support for the terrorist and criminal state of Israel. But, the evidence is clear that the overwhelming organized power of Jewry been historically influential in an “open borders” American immigration policy. Such continues today.
There is growing understanding that the Iraq War is a war created by Jewish extremist Neocons and their allies in government and media. It is clearly a war waged for Israel’s strategic objectives, and not America’s. This war for Israel has deeply harmed not only the over 20,000 Americans maimed or killed, but American interests across a broad spectrum. Indeed, it is Jewish extremist influence over America’s foreign policy that has led to hatred and terrorism against Americans. But, as the article in The Forward shows, it must not be forgotten that the same Jewish-Israeli Lobby that influences American foreign policy also influences critical American domestic policy.
In a starkly revealing article obviously written for their Jewish audience, The Forward shows how the organized Jewish community has been instrumental against the effort to halt the illegal and legal immigration that steadily is destroying the heritage of European Americans in the American nation.
By E.J. KESSLERForward Friday 31 March 2006
WASHINGTON — As the Senate struggled this week to hammer out legislation on the contentious issue of immigration reform, Jewish groups were in boardrooms and on the streets advocating for the most liberal approaches to the issue.
The article goes on to cite Jewish Senator Arlen Specter’s spearheading of the illegal alien amnesty bill recently passed by Senate Judiciary Committee. All the excerpts indicated are from The Forward, March 30, 2006.
On Monday, in a surprise move, the Senate Judiciary Committee, led by Senator Arlen Specter [ an Jewish extremist Israeli Partisan] of Pennsylvania, approved by a 12-6 vote amendments that would create a guest worker program and give undocumented immigrants a path toward legalizing their status—moves that are opposed by many conservative Republicans. The committee also rejected provisions of a House bill passed last December that would have made it a felony to enter the country illegally or to aid someone who did so.
Hebrew society blasts immigration restrictions
Frist’s approach was blasted by the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society, the organization that tends to set policy for the Jewish community. HIAS is part of faith-based coalitions supporting the more liberal approaches to immigration reform proposed by Senator Edward Kennedy, a Massachusetts Democrat, and Senator John McCain, an Arizona Republican.
In recent years, some Jewish groups that were concerned about terrorism have come to stress border enforcement. But HIAS and other Jewish groups argue that such concerns can be accommodated within laws that help undocumented immigrants come out of the shadows. Immigration critics and advocates estimate that 10 million to 12 million undocumented migrants are living in the country…
It then goes on to show that the most powerful Jewish organization in America, the American Jewish Committee is solidly behind the amnesty bill:
Richard Foltin, legislative director and counsel of the American Jewish Committee—a group that often is hawkish on security—said the relatively liberal bill that was passed by the judiciary committee was the right approach. “It strikes the right note in striving for the appropriate balance of enhancing our national security while protecting those who are most vulnerable in our society through earned legalization and increased worker protections,” Foltin said.
Powerful Jewish organizations have long seen a multicultural America as one which they can “divide and conquer” and continue to dominate. Former head of National Policy for the American Jewish Committee, Dr. Stephen Steinlight, put it very succinctly in an article he wrote for his fellow Jews in an article he wrote in October of 2001.
For perhaps another generation, an optimistic forecast, the Jewish community is thus in a position where it will be able to divide and conquer and enter into selective coalitions that support our agenda.
Jewish groups join rallies for illegals
As The Forward points out, officials of the leading Jewish organizations supported the rallies for illegal aliens such as the recent illegal alien march in Los Angeles:
As HIAS pressed its approach, other Jewish groups were joining the giant rallies in Los Angeles, Chicago and Washington in support of immigration and against the punitive approaches of the House bill. About a half-million people demonstrated in Los Angeles, while the protests in Chicago, Washington and other cities drew tens of thousands.
The PJA’s executive director, Daniel Sokatch, said that Jewish communal groups could do more…Sokatch called immigrants’ rights “a major focus of our organizing,” saying: “We’re arguing that, like economic justice, this is a profoundly Jewish issue. Our soul hinges on this debate. It’s the issue of what kind of country we want to be and who we are as an American people.”
It is certainly the height of hypocrisy when Jewish activist groups dedicated to the preservation and interests of the Jewish people, the same Jewish groups that support a racist, apartheid State which has a Jewish-only immigration policy, one based not simply on religion but primarily on Jewish genetics – now work to destroy the overwhelming European heritage of America.
Israel, of course, is a segregated society that divides Jews from non-Jews in schools, neighborhoods, even in many whole towns and settlements. The same liberal Jews who are upset because our country is overwhelmingly European-American, support the Israeli state where Jews and non-Jews cannot legally marry!
Gideon Aronoff, the head of HIAS, is quoted in The Forward once more confirming the inordinate Jewish political power. Now that’s the same Jewish political power cited by the recent Harvard Kennedy School of Government paper called “The Israeli Lobby and US Foreign Policy.
Jewish critics call all the talk of Jewish power in the Harvard paper an “anti-Semitic lie only worthy of David Duke,” but their own publications quote Jews such as Aronoff bragging of “inside group pressure from a broad spectrum of Jewish groups…” Aronoff praises the rallies such as had occurred in Los Angeles, but talks about the real power, the inside Jewish power swaying Republicans to betray America on the immigration issue. Read this and marvel at it:
Gideon Aronoff, the new president and CEO of HIAS, said that while “the rallies have been very important and have contributed to highlighting support on this issue, inside group pressure from a broad spectrum of Jewish groups is a significant player in a game where you need to turn only a small number of Republican senators.”
“I don’t know if Republican senators are going to be swayed by big rallies,” Aronoff said, “but a careful analysis by Jewish and faith-based immigrant advocates can make a statement that moral values are involved in the debate.”
Let’s talk about those “moral values” for a second and find out who this Aronoff is. The HIAS website says this about their new leader:
Teller stated that Aronoff has a keen and insightful knowledge of government relations and refugee issues in Washington, D.C. and brings a strong sense of traditional core Jewish values to drive the timeless mission of HIAS.
Aronoff has been a respected voice of the American Jewish community in Washington, D.C. on refugee and immigration issues and has earned the admiration of those in the immigration advocacy field. He has been an integral force behind a number of key legislative successes with Congress and the White House…
Aronoff earned a JD from Cornell Law School and a BA in History from Brandeis University. He is a member of the board of directors of the National Immigration Forum and has brought to the fore his knowledge of Jewish community institutions, interests and community relations concerns throughout his career…
So, there it is. By the HIAS own words, the man setting the Jewish community’s position on immigration into the United States and greatly affecting American immigration policy is man totally dedicated to “Jewish community institutions” and “interests.” And, they say he has been “an integral force behind a number of key legislative successes with Congress and the White House.”
There I go again, imaging Jewish power brokers working for what they see as Jewish interests! Mr. Aronoff is obviously one of those “neo-nazi, anti-Semitic” folks who believe that Jews exert powerful influence in the American political structure, in fact, he boasts of their influence! But, Lord help a Gentile who mentions it! I hope my readers notice the “integral” Jewish influence the immigration issue openly spoken about by major Jewish publications. This from a Jewish leader not Can you imagine the level of influence they exert over the important issues discussed in the Harvard paper: the control over American foreign policies directly important to nation of Israel!
If Mr. Aronoff and the other Jewish extremists are really interested in open immigration and human rights and moral values, why do they support a Jewish state that has terrorized and driven out hundreds of thousands of Palestinians, that doesn’t let those Palestinians return to their own homes, businesses, and farms, and that now steals more of their precious land in the West Bank for Jewish-only settlements? Where is Mr. Aronoff’s rage about the Israeli State’s policies that far more fit the bill of being labelled “neo-nazi” than anything I advocate. Where is the rage of the clearly Jewish influenced mass media?
This issue is at the core of what I repeatedly speak about in exposing Jewish extremism. Not all Jews endorse these extremist policies, but radical, supremacist Jews control the most powerful Jewish organizations as well as now influencing the American government and media at large.
It is unfortunate that I am among but a very few political figures in the United States that dare to discuss these important issues, but it is understandable when you see that if someone dares to speak out – an unholy torrent of Jewish supremacist power and hate will be turned upon them. Yet, the truth is growing, as shown by the Harvard paper, and an awakening is coming. There is nothing more they can say about me, they have made almost every slander humanly possible against me. But, those of you who can think for yourself who will read my words will see the sense and indeed i say it, the humanity in them!
preach on white aryan christian brother!
here is the best case for the power that jews hold that i've read to date.
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