The Other Side of the Coin....

What would our American counterparts of yesteryear say about a story like the one I have pasted below? Actually, probably nothing, they would be to busy attempting to burn this school to the ground and shooting those who fled. This story has barely received any media attention!
(picture: Principal)
District probe clears 'separatist' schoolPublicly funded academy backed by radical Hispanic groups
Posted: June 7, 20061:00 a.m. Eastern
© 2006
After investigating allegations of separatism and racism, the Los Angeles Unified School District has concluded a school based on Mexican indigenous culture and backed by radical Hispanic groups that lay claim to the U.S. Southwest is following its charter.
The Kindergarten-through-8th-grade Academia Semillas del Pueblo Charter School in east Los Angeles made news last week when KABC radio reporter Sandy Wells tried to interview principal Marcos Aguilar at the campus and claimed he was assaulted then followed as he drove away. Police still are investigating the incident.
As WorldNetDaily reported, Aguilar indicated in a recent interview he believes in racial segregation and sees his school as part of a larger cultural "struggle." Chartered by the district in 2001, the institution is backed by MEChA, a radical student group with the stated goal of returning the American Southwest to Mexico. KABC host Doug McIntyre has been investigating the school for several weeks.
Aguilar has not responded to WND's request for comment.
Kevin Reed, chief legal counsel for the district, said the school has followed its original charter.
"What we care about is that the curriculum is inclusive and not exclusive," Reed said, according to the Associated Press.
The school must apply for renewal of its charter by January.
Aguilar issued a statement last week declaring the school did not "discriminate against any student on the basis of ethnicity, national origin, gender, gender identity or disability."
McIntyre said he's received death threats because of his criticism of the school. A small group of parents showed up at his studio Monday to protest, blaming the show for alleged bomb threats against the school.
'Don't drink from white fountain'
Aguilar, interviewed recently by an online educational journal, Teaching to Change L.A., doesn't think much of the Brown v. Board of Education decision that desegregated American schools.
Principal Marcos Aguilar
He simply doesn't want to integrate with white institutions.
"We don't want to drink from a white water fountain, we have our own wells and our natural reservoirs and our way of collecting rain in our aqueducts," he said.
The issue of civil rights, Aguilar continued, "is all within the box of white culture and white supremacy. We should not still be fighting for what they have. We are not interested in what they have because we have so much more and because the world is so much larger."
Ultimately, he said, the "white way, the American way, the neo liberal, capitalist way of life will eventually lead to our own destruction. And so it isn't about an argument of joining neo liberalism, it's about us being able, as human beings, to surpass the barrier."
Aguilar said his school is not a response to problems in the public school system, as it's available only to about 150 families.
"We consider this a resistance, a starting point, like a fire in a continuous struggle for our cultural life, for our community and we hope it can influence future struggle," he said. "We hope that it can organize present struggle and that as we organize ourselves and our educational and cultural autonomy, we have the time to establish a foundation with which to continue working and impact the larger system."
Fucken terrorist training camp; Mexican style. Burn em out.
You are an ignorant bigoted, that is really all I have to say.
ignorant bigot...that's the only defense they ever have for their behavior...we are ignorant. Ignorant is NOT being able to see what is plainly displayed right in your face every single minute of the day. That anonymous idiot is the ignorant one. probably a nigger.
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