Victory in Orlando!

Well, what a Saturday I had.... I started by picking up a local NSM supporter and heading towards Orlando for the rally. We arrived and were immediately stopped by police in full riot gear. I have actually never been to this part of Orlando before (probably a good thing), what a disgusting cess pool of a place. I pulled in the parking lot across from some sort of county building and was greeted then by the FBI, I asked them where I should go and they directed my to more police officers in riot gear. I parked across from the Orlando police headquarters which was to be the starting and stopping point for our march. I was a couple hours early but was not the first to arrive.. I was greeted by a couple of supporters and I got into my attire! :-) As soon as I dawned my brown shirt the spooks and Reds began to stare with their big googly eyes. Around 12:15 a large convoy arrived with about 20 comrades. I first greeted by Bill white, a little awe struck at finally getting to meet him I had a little trouble spitting my name out. I was immediately directed to the front for security detail with the Toledo unit leader (Very nice guy). After only a few minutes the crowds began to form right in front of us. Everyone wanted a picture of us and we tried not to disappoint and gave as many onlookers as we could a mighty "Sieg Hiel"! About a half hour in I looked down the street and noticed them coming. About 30 SHARPS marching at us with a large banner with a slogan that stated "WE SHOOT BACK". What the hell is that supposed to mean. All of these PINKO scum were wearing bandannas on their faces which I would like to add is illegal in Florida. The police on horses ran at them immediately and attempted to take the banner from them. The PINKO SCUM kept on marching right into the police... So the police began beating people with their batons. More police horses immediately ran at the crowd to push the filth back and wouldn't you know a few of those idiots got trampled by those police horses, what a site! At this point what looked like a tank rolled right in front of us with a large loudspeaker saying "those who cover their faces will be arrested". About 50 yards away the police were having it out with a few of these morons and they were being hauled off! A kid in a mask came running at us at us.. I was ready but the police caught him and then Bill White began to scream "SMASH THE REDS, SMASH THE REDS"! I have to say that Bill was fantastic the whole time..
I will continue later...
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