Wednesday, March 29, 2006

From National Vanguard...

A message for children and parents who love them.

by Alpin MacLaren (Kate-and-Kerry's Dad)

HAVE YOU GONE to public school? If you have, you probably know that the teachers try very hard to make you believe that all races are just the same. To get you to believe this silly idea, they know they have to make it sound really good. So, they call it "equality." That sounds good, doesn't it? But anyone can see that people of different races are a lot more different than people of the same race! Then, after telling you how all the races "think and feel and act the same," these teachers tell you the races actually are full of differences, but that these differences are something "very special." They call this special thing "diversity." These teachers want you and me to believe two mixed-up things at the same time: that the races are all just the same and that the races are full of differences!Teachers tell you that each year we should keep letting millions of non-Whites come live in our White countries, because non-Whites are different from us -- that's "diversity." Then they say you will be "unfair" not to want to let them in, because non-Whites are just the same as us -- that's "equality." They keep telling you and me that race doesn't matter, and then they tell us that it does matter! Is somebody trying to trick us? It's true that apples and oranges both are fruit and have a round shape. But everyone knows apples and oranges not only look different but taste different and also are very different, both inside and outside. They come from completely different places. Apples grow well in northern countries and cooler regions like New Zealand. Oranges grow only in warm, subtropical places. Look again at the apple and the orange. They have little or nothing to do with each other. To say these differences really don't matter would be a lie. There really are people who don't like you and me, because we are White people. They want us to think it is not right to want to live and play and learn among our own people in safe, clean, once all-White countries like Denmark, Finland, and Switzerland. They would like to turn all of the White countries into non-White countries. They want you to think it is wrong to want to live in a White neighborhood and a White country. But the truth is, it's good to live with people of your own race. People of all races know this. It's a natural and healthy and good way to feel! You will never hear these teachers say that millions of Malaysians and Filipinos and Vietnamese should be allowed to move to Japan or China. Or that even a half-million non-Jewish people should go to Israel to make it "better" with lots of "diversity." Jews in Israel, and the Japanese and the Chinese, are too smart to be tricked like that. No, they are saying this only about Europe, North America, Australia, and the other White homelands. They want to take your birthright away from you. What does this word, birthright, mean? Your public school teacher will never tell you about this, of course, because he does not want you to know what it means. This week, ask your grandparents and your parents to explain to you what a "birthright" is. Ask them to tell you about the birthright they received from their own parents and grandparents


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're an idiot and the only point you're making by expressing yourself is that White people can be really stupid too. Apples aren't oranges, thanks for clarifying that difficult point. However, if you only eat apples you'd get bored. The same is true for oranges. Apples and oranges mix well in fruit salads too. White people who do not think like you, in other words, are not ignorant to your extent are in high paying jobs, have college education, are not worried about Mexicans stealing their blue collar jobs. This country is the potency it is because of people from all over the world who had at least triple digit IQs and great ideas, which is not your case. I’m an European, South American descent, I’m an immigrant, I’m also an American citizen. I can assure you I have higher education than you do and any job you could get I wouldn’t even consider. I enriched this country with my talents. Others, not like you obviously, have done the same. This is why the USA is the best country in the world. My suggestion is not to stop immigrants from coming to the United States. My suggestion is to ship any ignorant, arrogant, idiot like you out of this great land, then we would indeed have the Greatest Country in the world!!!

5:34 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

After reading the rest of your page I have to add this: I'm sorry and also horrified by all the crimes mentioned herein. However, to respond to them with hatred is just doing the same thing and perpetuating racism. Racism exists in all groups, Whites, Blacks, Latinos, etc. Responding to racism with racism like you're doing is only feeding this negative stance.
I agree with you that killing ANYBODY in the name of race or ANYTHING is horrendous. Some crimes you mentioned were clearly hate crimes but some may just be coincidence. Most Blacks are in the lower social economic tier, therefore crime fits their lifestyle. I'm not justifying, by no means, but you might be focusing on race when the issue may really be socioeconomic disparity. Hate towards the White Dominant society is also a result of the socioeconomic disparity. They feel like White people have been taken something from them, job opportunities, education, wealth, etc. Just like you feel that immigrants are taking those things away from the Whites.

6:08 PM  

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