What is there to say about this.... This is exactly what is to be expected of the invading Muds...
Illegal alien rapes puppySuspect felt there was no problem, claiming animal was his to abuse
Posted: June 21, 20067:48 p.m. Eastern
© 2006 WorldNetDaily.com
Suspect Enrique Garcia, a.k.a Junio Trenta
STUART, Fla. – This South Florida community some 90 miles north of Miami is outraged after a suspected illegal alien allegedly raped a puppy.
The man, who initially told police his name was Junio Trenta but is believed to be Enrique Garcia, was taken into custody after Martin County Sheriff's deputies were dispatched to a possible animal in distress.
When they arrived, officers "saw Garcia sexually assaulting a 28-pound, 14- to 16-week-old dog of mixed breed," according to the sheriffs office.
Upon being seen, the Mexican transient said, "It's my dog," and, "What's the problem?"
The arrest affidavit indicates the male dog ran and hid behind the deputies.
Garcia then talked with detectives and admitted only to having the dog in his lap.
He's now charged with sexual bestiality, animal cruelty, possession of drug paraphernalia, giving a false name and exposure of sexual organs. His bond is $13,000.
The dog, a 4-month-old Argentine Dogo, is reportedly being cared for by the Humane Society of the Treasure Coast.
"He's already been evaluated by the vet, and the vet says he's OK and will recover from whatever happened," Humane Society spokeswoman Roberta Synal told the Stuart News. "If he's put in a good foster home, he's going to get lots of love and training."
In the newspaper's
online messageboard, people are commenting on the case, lashing out at the Mexican who also spent 28 days in jail after pleading no contest to a misdemeanor larceny charge last year in Orange County, Fla.:
"This is the kind of scum that is sneaking into our country with all the 'nice people who just want a better life.' Get real. Send all illegals home, then screen them to see if they qualify to come into America! ... We do not need illegals for anything. (It's all propaganda). Especially, when they think it's OK to do stuff like this. [Garcia] should do everyone a favor, and commit suicide." (Kurt Ploszay)
"Has anyone considered where he got this puppy? As an 'illegal' piece-of-scum laborer, you're going to tell me he spent his own hard-earned money on purchasing this puppy? Get real! I bet he stole this puppy from someone. I say fly him over Mexico ... and let him jump (without a parachute). Might want to attach a note to his body stating that this is not tolerated in the good ol' U.S. of A. This person will rot in Hell for what he did ... but hopefully he will be someone's 'dog' in jail for a while first!" (Kathy Lecavalier)
"Ship that sick Mexican back to Mexico. Get rid of all this scourge of the Earth. Deport all illegals immediately and stop spending my tax dollars on these animals." (Elizabeth Yeltnuh)
"Obviously doing a job that most Americans won't do." (Terry Wright)
One reader took the Stuart News to task for avoiding use of the term "illegal alien" in
its coverage of the story:
"I assume that the story's comment "Trenta, a Mexican citizen working as a laborer, ... " is your paper's new euphemism for illegal alien?" (Steve Breitenbach)