Friday, March 31, 2006

Let The Games Begin!


Tucson Region
Mexican flag burned at Apache Junction HS
By Blake Herzog
East Valley Tribune
Tucson, Arizona Published: 03.31.2006

Tensions over immigration reform heightened in the Phoenix area's East Valley Thursday when students raised a Mexican flag over Apache Junction High School — and then other students yanked it down and burned it.

"I know (they) shouldn't have burned the Mexican flag," said Jacob Stewart, a 16-year-old sophomore. "I heard it was raised above the American flag and that just irked me."
He said the turbulence was tied to debates going on in the state Legislature and Congress, where ideas ranging from offering illegal immigrants a chance at citizenship to making them felons are being floated.

Freshman Chelsea Garcia, 15, and junior Brittany Ramage, 16, said the unrest had more to do with long-running racial tensions at the school.
The week's events might have sparked some anger, Ramage said, "but kids aren't too deep about that stuff."

The Hispanic student who brought the Mexican flag said he was responding to a remark directed at him Wednesday. The flag-raising, flag-burning, and shoving match that followed happened before most students arrived at school.

Six students — three Hispanic and three white — will be disciplined, Principal Chad Wilson said.
Officials with the Apache Junction Unified School District would not specify what punishment the six face.

Wilson did say in a letter sent home to parents that there would be "increased supervision, including additional police officers, on the campus over the next couple of days."
School flagpoles have been lightning rods across the country this week, including an incident in which a Houston high-school principal was disciplined after he flew a Mexican flag underneath his campus' U.S. and state flags.

A new political awareness among students has also been grabbing attention, as thousands have walked out on classes to join rallies in Phoenix and elsewhere. More than 100 students from Mesa's Carson Junior High and Westwood High schools marched in protest on Mesa streets Tuesday.

Jewish Brainwashing in Public Schools

Jews are now trying to scare young children into believing in the holocaust. I am certain this is the only real way they can perpetuate this lie. This is just sick...

School's 'Holocaust' Experiment Upsets Parents
Dad: Son Cried Over Becoming Jew For Day

Several parents in Apopka, Fla., are upset over a surprise school "Holocaust" project that some say tormented children, according to a Local 6 News report.

Local 6 News reported that eighth-graders with last names beginning with L through Z at Apopka Memorial Middle School were given yellow five-pointed stars for Holocaust Remembrance Day. Other students were privileged, the report said.
Father John Tinnelly said his son was forced to stand in the back of the classroom and not allowed to sit because he was wearing the yellow star.

"He was forced to go to the back of the lunch line four times by an administrator," Tinnelly said.
Tinnelly said the experiment upset his child.
"He was crying," Tinnelly said. "I said, 'What are you crying about?' He said, 'Daddy, I was a Jew today.'"

Other parents and children shared similar stories, Tinnelly said.
"They were told that they could not use the water fountains," Tinnely said. "There was even a sign supposedly at one water fountain (saying) if you're wearing a yellow star , you can't use this water fountain."

"This was supposed to be a creative way to teach the horrors of the Holocaust but unfortunately it has sparked controversy and more importantly it has sparked conversation," Reznick said. "We have now heard from nearly a dozen parents (who are) very upset."
Tinnelly said he believes it is important to teach the Holocaust, but apparently little was learned during the experiment.
"I tried to talk to my son and I asked all of these questions and the only thing he said is, 'Daddy, the only thing I found out today is I don't want to be Jewish,'" Tinnelly said.
"Children were selected to be persecuted or privileged, some not told the rule," Local 6 reporter Gerald Reznick said. "Parents tell Local 6 they were not told prior to the school-wide experiment."

"Teachers felt that it would have defeated the purpose to tell the students ahead of time because that would have prepared them," Principal Douglas Guthrie said. "Students came in and all they got was a star."

"This was supposed to be a creative way to teach the horrors of the Holocaust but unfortunately, it has sparked controversy and more importantly, it has sparked conversation," Reznick said. "We have now heard from nearly a dozen parents (who are) very upset."
Local 6 News aired a statement from The Holocaust Memorial Resource and Education Center of Florida; "Of course, we applaud Apopka (Memorial) Middle School's effort to engage in Holocaust education with the hope of a tolerance education component in the classroom. That is the mission of The Center to teach tolerance through Holocaust remembrance and education. However, we do not encourage nor train teachers to engage in simulation exercises."
Guthrie admitted that he would do some things differently in the exercise because of complaints but said some kids got the message, Reznick said.
"They need to know, we don't want history to repeat itself," Guthrie said.
Watch Local 6 News for more on this story.

Thursday, March 30, 2006

Country lost to illegals "Thanks Bush"!

The end is near

Mexican flag flies over Chasewood North in Jupiter . . .

KIT BRADSHAW Sometime Saturday night, according to Chasewood North Community Board member Sue Miller, someone put a Mexican flag, like the one above left, on the complex's flagpole.

Residents of the Central Boulevard complex were surprised by weekend switch
By KIT BRADSHAW March 29, 2006The Stars and Stripes have been replaced by the Mexican flag at Chasewood North, and residents of the condominium community off Central Boulevard are puzzled as to who made the switch.
"I woke up Sunday morning and looked up from my patio and then realized that the American flag wasn't on the flagpole," said Sue Miller a Chasewood North board member. "What captured my attention were the colors — at first I thought it was an Italian flag, but one of our residents said it was the Mexican flag.

"I went to the flagpole, to see if the American flag was maybe on the ground, but they took it, and they cut the rope to get the American flag down and the Mexican flag up as well."
A best estimate of when the switch took place is Saturday night. Chasewood South, which also has a flagpole at its entrance was untouched; its American flag was still flying from its 20-foot flagpole.

At the present time, Congress is in the midst of a debate about immigration, seeking to radically change the immigration laws, perhaps by allowing the approximately 11 million illegal immigrants in the country to have a path to citizenship. But Miller said she can't figure out why this national debate would result in the American flag being stolen and replaced by a Mexican flag in Chasewood North.

"I'm flabbergasted that someone would do this, and I'm wondering why here," Miller said. "We have some Hispanic residents here, but not a large Hispanic population, and I'm curious if this occurred anywhere else in town."

It may be several weeks before the Stars and Stripes once again fly over Chasewood North, according to Miller, who at one time was the resident manager of the complex.
"We tried to get the flag down but couldn't, so we need to hire a company with a boom truck to get up there and replace the rope and put up the American flag," she said. "I would guesstimate that this would cost $500 or more to do."

Mexican flags fly over public schools

Reagan High School Principal Robert Pambello was ordered to remove a Mexican flag Wednesday morning that he had hoisted below the U.S. and Texas flags that typically fly in front of his school — a symbol he agreed to fly to show support for his predominantly Hispanic student body.

At nearby Hamilton Middle School, a child was asked to wipe off Mexican and U.S. flags painted on his face. Hundreds of other students carried Mexican flags during walkouts Wednesday — acts of protest that they vow to continue until Congress rejects legislation that would further restrict immigration.

"There's no other way to be heard ... It's not the best way or the right way, but it's our way," Reagan freshman Jose Lopez, 14, said of the effort.
The Mexican flag has become a lightning rod in the immigration debate that's consumed the city and the nation this week. Students say the flag represents their pride in the contributions Mexicans make to this country. Critics, though, said watching young Hispanics in the streets with the red, green and white flags is more than they can stand. These youngsters are in the United States and should — at the least — carry the U.S. flag, they argue.
"The whole thing just makes my blood boil," said Bruce R. Wing, a 52-year-old Missouri City resident. "I want them all out of here."

Wing said the Houston Independent School District should fire Pambello.
HISD leaders said no decision has been made about possible discipline against the principal, who declined interview requests Wednesday.

"It is appropriate to fly the flags of the United States and Texas over schools in the Houston Independent School District, since we are a public entity of the state," HISD spokesman Terry Abbott said. "It would not be appropriate for the school district to advocate allegiance to a country other than the United States. Therefore, it is not appropriate to permit use of school district flagpoles for the purpose of flying flags representing other countries."
Raul Ramos, a professor of Texas history at the University of Houston, said most Mexican-Americans see no contradiction in flying the Mexican flag alongside those of Texas and the United States.

"Most students at Reagan High School have relatives or ancestors from Mexico," said Ramos. "The flag represents Mexican heritage as much if not more than citizenship."

Woman Raped, Slain by Illegal Mestizo

Douglas Herrera Castellanos faces life without parole if convicted (AP) The woman who discovered the scene of her sister's murder -- allegedly carried out by a laborer at the house to clean the deck -- took the stand today. Anne Fallon, of New City (NY), said her sister's last words during a morning cell phone chat were, "I have to go. The power-washer needs me." She also testified that she saw the suspect outside the house, with blood on his face. Fallon spoke at the murder trial of Douglas Herrera Castellanos, who is accused of raping and killing Mary Nagle last April 29th.Herrera, here illegally from Guatemala, faces life in prison without parole if convicted of first-degree murder.

Illegal Workers In My Pockets...

Another moron who think illegals are good for the US. My response is below.....

Businesses worry that a crackdown on immigration would throw a wrench into key parts of the economy

.By HELEN HUNTLEY, Times Personal Finance EditorPublished (sure)March 30, 2006

The Tampa Bay area's illegal immigrants smooth concrete, frame buildings, pick strawberries, vacuum offices, dig ditches, bus tables - and a lot more. The employers who depend on them hope Congress won't leave them in a lurch.

Immigration reforms being debated on Capitol Hill range from legislation in the House that would turn illegal immigrants - and those who help them - into felons to a bill in the Senate that would give those immigrants a chance to become citizens.
The Senate is considering creation of a program to bring in about 400,000 temporary workers each year.

"Provisions for guest workers will be essential if there's any crackdown on the current work force," said Ray Gilmer, spokesman for the Florida Fruit & Vegetable Association. He said the House proposal "could put some farms out of business because they don't have the labor to harvest their crops."

Some groves and farms complain about labor shortages because of competition for workers from the construction industry, where the jobs are better paying.
It's not unusual for an entire framing, roofing or concrete crew to be composed of Hispanic workers, often with an immigrant as their boss. Other immigrants are moving into skilled trades, such as electrical and plumbing.

Border restrictions could prove devastating to the construction industry, said Tom Fronce, senior vice president at Creative Contractors in Clearwater.
"I don't think kids coming out of school want to do these jobs," Fronce said.
Hotels and restaurants rely more on foreign workers than any industry except agriculture, said Keith Overton, vice president of the TradeWinds Island Resorts in St. Pete Beach. Nearly 250 of the resorts' 670 employees are foreign-born, he said. Sixty are here on work visas with 50 expected to come next week.

Overton said bringing in workers is the only way to fill jobs with Pinellas County's low unemployment rate.

He joined other hotel and restaurant executives this month in lobbying members of Congress not to pass legislation that would curtail the flow of foreign workers.
"This will cripple our industry if some compromise isn't made," he said. "There's got to be some criteria where people who are not legal ... know they can go through a process and get legalized. Then we'll have a chance."

Tampa immigration lawyer John Ovick has been in Washington, D.C., with some of his clients lobbying for laws to open citizenship opportunities for illegal immigrants.
"If you pick up every undocumented worker and send them home, the bay area shuts down," he said. "Beds don't get made; lawns don't get cut; berries in Plant City don't get picked; the houses in Pasco don't get built."

Many of those who hire illegal immigrants are sympathetic to their plight.
"I'd venture to say that 80 to 85 percent of the people I've come across are just hard working, family-oriented people who just want to make a living," said Bill "Boo" Graves, a St. Lucie County citrus grower.

One thing employers don't like is being in the role of enforcers. Many immigrants who are here illegally carry forged documents to show employers. One proposed solution is requiring employers to check applicants against a computer database. A pilot version of this employment verification program has been operating for a decade, but retailers who have used it claim the registry is riddled with errors.

"This program is not ready for prime time," said Trace Mullin, chief executive officer of the National Retail Federation.

In addition to screening of applicants, the House bill would force employers to verify immigrants on their payrolls and impose stiff penalties on companies that don't use the database.
As the immigrant work force has grown, so has exploitation of those who are here illegally, said Kathlyn Mackovjak, an immigration lawyer with Gulfcoast Legal Services in St. Petersburg:
"It's a constant theme: "I was working for two weeks on this construction site and the subcontractor says he won't pay me.' These subcontractors are smart. Often they are immigrants themselves and they understand how easy it is to control somebody and instill fear in them when they're undocumented."

On almost any construction site, she said, "there's an incredibly good chance that there is somebody on that site who is undocumented and probably being exploited." She said subcontractors often are difficult to track down and even if you win a court judgment against them, you usually can't collect. "As soon as things get bad, they declare bankruptcy, dissolve their company and form a new one two weeks later."

Mackovjak and others who work with immigrants would like to see a bill pass that gives children who were born elsewhere but grew up in the United States a chance to become citizens.
"There are some great kids graduating from high school who can't go to college," said Christina Leddin, an immigration specialist with Amigo Center in Fort Myers. She said most colleges won't take students who are in the country illegally and those that do typically charge them out-of-state tuition that the students cannot afford.

"Here in southwest Florida we've had a high school valedictorian with no papers," Leddin said. "These kids want to continue their education and become productive members of society."
Times staff writers William Levesque, James Thorner, Mark Albright and Steve Huettel contributed to this report.
Helen Huntley can be reached at or 727 893-8230. (call this moron and tell her to move her ass to Mexico)



Dear Ms. Huntley,

I am writing in response to the article that you wrote entitled “Illegal workers play a vital role”. I see that you work for the St Petersburg Times as a Personal Finance Editor; does this mean you know how to count on both hands? Maybe, you should try doing some research before you write an article that might keep you from being so bias next time. Allow me to share some of the vital flaws in your crap article.

Now, you’re the personal finance expert right, why not ell people the truth. Like say how, analysis of the latest Census data indicates Florida’s illegal immigrant population is costing the state’s taxpayers nearly two billion dollars per year for education, medical care and incarceration. Even if the estimated taxes collected from illegal immigrant workers are subtracted, net outlays still amount to nearly one billion dollars per year. The annual fiscal burden amounts to about $315 per Florida household headed by a native-born resident.

If you ask me this information is a tad bit conflicting with your subtitle, “Businesses worry that a crackdown on immigration would throw a wrench into key parts of the economy”. Maybe you should have written,” Businesses worry that they will not be able to pay tax free wages under the table” or “Businesses worry that crackdown on illegals will save millions for consumers”.

Your article also makes the assumption that other ethnic groups do not want the jobs that illegals are doing. “Wrong”, go open a book and find out that statistically whites have a higher unemployment rate than illegal border hoppers.

Maybe, your next article can be about the plight of naturalized Americans who cannot find work in this stagnant economy because Pedro is sucking up money with a vacuum cleaner.

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

From National Vanguard...

A message for children and parents who love them.

by Alpin MacLaren (Kate-and-Kerry's Dad)

HAVE YOU GONE to public school? If you have, you probably know that the teachers try very hard to make you believe that all races are just the same. To get you to believe this silly idea, they know they have to make it sound really good. So, they call it "equality." That sounds good, doesn't it? But anyone can see that people of different races are a lot more different than people of the same race! Then, after telling you how all the races "think and feel and act the same," these teachers tell you the races actually are full of differences, but that these differences are something "very special." They call this special thing "diversity." These teachers want you and me to believe two mixed-up things at the same time: that the races are all just the same and that the races are full of differences!Teachers tell you that each year we should keep letting millions of non-Whites come live in our White countries, because non-Whites are different from us -- that's "diversity." Then they say you will be "unfair" not to want to let them in, because non-Whites are just the same as us -- that's "equality." They keep telling you and me that race doesn't matter, and then they tell us that it does matter! Is somebody trying to trick us? It's true that apples and oranges both are fruit and have a round shape. But everyone knows apples and oranges not only look different but taste different and also are very different, both inside and outside. They come from completely different places. Apples grow well in northern countries and cooler regions like New Zealand. Oranges grow only in warm, subtropical places. Look again at the apple and the orange. They have little or nothing to do with each other. To say these differences really don't matter would be a lie. There really are people who don't like you and me, because we are White people. They want us to think it is not right to want to live and play and learn among our own people in safe, clean, once all-White countries like Denmark, Finland, and Switzerland. They would like to turn all of the White countries into non-White countries. They want you to think it is wrong to want to live in a White neighborhood and a White country. But the truth is, it's good to live with people of your own race. People of all races know this. It's a natural and healthy and good way to feel! You will never hear these teachers say that millions of Malaysians and Filipinos and Vietnamese should be allowed to move to Japan or China. Or that even a half-million non-Jewish people should go to Israel to make it "better" with lots of "diversity." Jews in Israel, and the Japanese and the Chinese, are too smart to be tricked like that. No, they are saying this only about Europe, North America, Australia, and the other White homelands. They want to take your birthright away from you. What does this word, birthright, mean? Your public school teacher will never tell you about this, of course, because he does not want you to know what it means. This week, ask your grandparents and your parents to explain to you what a "birthright" is. Ask them to tell you about the birthright they received from their own parents and grandparents

The Race War is Raging....

What are White European Americans saying about the millions of racial agitators that are attempting to expel whites from America? Well, from what I can see they are saying "we are with you 100%".

I know one thing for certain, my family and I can not hold out much longer living in the brown south. Jobs, housing and other necessities go first to illegal invaders. I just don't have the 40 family members that it requires to buy and move into a house with them and share all of the bills.

WASHINGTON – While debates about guest-worker programs for illegal aliens take place in the corridors of power, in the streets of America's big cities no amnesty is being offered by activists calling for the expulsion of most U.S. citizens from their own country.

While politicians debate the fate of some 12 million people residing in the U.S. illegally, the Mexica Movement, one of the organizers of the mass protest in Los Angeles this week, has already decided it is the "non-indigenous," white, English-speaking U.S. citizens of European descent who have to leave what they call "our continent."

The pictures and captions tell the story.

"This is our continent, not yours!" exclaimed one banner.

"We are indigenous! The only owners of this continent!" said another.

"If you think I'm illegal because I'm a Mexican, learn the true history, because I'm in my homeland," read another sign.

"One of the more negative parts of the march was when American flags were passed out to make sure the marchers were looked on as part of 'America,'" said the group's commentary on the L.A. rally.

Both Rep. James Sensebrenner, R-Wis., chairman of the House Judiciary Committee and a proponent of tougher border security, and California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger were caricatured as Nazis by the group on its posters and banners.

The group insists the indigenous people of the continent were the victims of genocide – a campaign of extermination that killed, according to one citation, 95 percent of their population, or 33 million people. Another citation on the same website claims the toll was 70 million to 100 million.

The only solution, says the Mexica Movement, is to expel the invaders of the last 500 years, force them to pay reparations and return the continent to its rightful heirs.

The platform of the group illustrates the diverse – and sometimes extreme – agendas of those participating in the mass mobilizations that have been seen largely as protests against efforts to curb illegal immigration.

Some of those involved, including the Mexica Movement, have much bigger goals than stopping a piece of legislation before Congress.

The Mexica Movement has big issues with many other equally radical groups participating in the massive, united-front rallies. The group makes a point of distinguishing its goals and objectives from others, such as the separatist Aztlan Movement.

Aztlan, the mythical birthplace of the Aztecs, is regarded in Chicano folklore as an area that includes California, Arizona, Nevada, New Mexico and parts of Colorado and Texas. The movement seeks to create a sovereign, Spanish-speaking state, "Republica del Norte," or the Republic of the North, that would combine the American Southwest with the northern Mexican states and eventually merge with Mexico.

A group called "La Voz de Aztlan," the Voice of Aztlan, identifies Mexicans in the U.S. as "America's Palestinians." Many Mexicans see themselves as part of a transnational ethnic group known as "La Raza," the race. A May editorial on the website, with a dateline of Los Angeles, Alta California, declares that "both La Raza and the Palestinians have been displaced by invaders that have utilized military means to conquer and occupy our territories."

Others in the coalition hope to see a "reconquest" of the American southwest by Mexico. This would not likely take place through military action, they say, but rather through a slow process of migration – both legal and illegal.

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

America "Lost"

Now that Ted Kennedy's legislation has passed and over 12 million illegal immigrants granted immunity, all hope is lost. Americans have watched live on television the theft of a nation and non of them seem to care. The president himself now is swearing in illegals in a celebration of the loss of America (Pictured to the left).

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President George W. Bush warned the U.S. Congress on Monday against fearmongering as he kicked off an election-year battle over immigration against a backdrop of noisy and emotional protests in Los Angeles, San Francisco and Detroit.
On Capitol Hill, senators pushed for compromise legislation to better secure America's borders while offering millions a chance to be in the country legally, setting up a politically bruising battle with the U.S. House of Representatives, where the Republican majority has come out against legal incentives.

Bush used a swearing-in ceremony for 30 new American citizens to push his own plan to create a temporary workers program and warned lawmakers to conduct a civil debate on the issue, which has divided the party that put him in power.

"No one should play on people's fears or try to pit neighbors against each other," Bush said. "No one should pretend that immigrants are a threat to American identity, because immigrants have shaped America's identity." (Yes and they contiue to shape our identity as a country of poverty stricken idiots)

With his job approval rating at the lowest of his presidency, Bush is facing a new test of his political strength during a congressional election year, weeks after Republicans deserted him on a controversial deal to allow an Arab company to manage six U.S. ports.

The U.S. public is divided between those who favor curbing illegal immigration with tighter border security and tougher enforcement and those who say it is essential to bring some of the estimated 12 million illegal workers out of the shadows with a comprehensive overhaul.

Immigrant groups, labor unions and some business groups are pushing for broad reform that would give undocumented workers a way to earn permanent status and eventual citizenship. But many conservative Republicans, who normally back Bush, say that is a form of amnesty and would reward people for illegal behavior. (Ted Kennedy has rewarded them already)

In Los Angeles on Monday, hundreds of mostly Latino students blocked two major downtown freeways, chanting in Spanish and waving flags from Mexico and El Salvador. (VERY AMERICAN)Traffic was snarled until police could move the students off the road but no accidents, injuries or arrests were reported.

Dumping Money On Feeble Black Minds...

I love reading statistics, they do not lie! Here in Florida we continue to attempt to educate Negroid and Mestizo children that simply do not have the capacity to learn at the pace that white children do. The problem is in Florida schools are tested and funding is cut based on test results. So, you have a school full of illegal children and a few whites and the few white kids loose out because none of the other children speak English or have the mental capacity to be educated.

Third World population reflected in poor performance, waste The District of Columbia spends far more money per student in its public elementary and secondary
schools each year than the tuition costs at many private elementary schools, or even college-preparatory secondary schools. Yet, District 8th-graders ranked dead last in 2005 in national reading and math tests. D.C.'s public elementary and secondary schools spent a total of $16,334 per student in the 2002-2003 school year, according to a Department of Education study. That compares to the $10,520 tuition at St. John's College High School, a District Catholic school that sends almost all its graduates to four-year colleges. Last year, however, only 12% of 8th-graders in the District's public schools scored at grade-level proficiency or better in reading in the federal National Assessment of Educational Progress tests that were administered in the District and all 50 states. Only 7% of the District's public-school 8th-graders scored grade-level proficiency or better in math.Not one U.S. state can boast that a majority of the 8th-graders in its public schools last year had achieved grade-level proficiency or better in either reading or math. How much money did your state spend per pupil while failing to adequately educate in reading and math the majority of students in its public schools?

Monday, March 27, 2006


Wishy Washy Tom Tancredo is viewed as the hard liner here... We are in big trouble... You might as well just open all the borders up.

April 3, 2006 issue - The lights were on, the cameras were rolling, but the special guest star was nowhere to be found. Last Friday afternoon, 55 men and women from 30 countries sat in a Denver conference room, clutching small American flags as they waited to be sworn in as U.S. citizens. The 12:15 starting time had come and gone, and some people were getting impatient. "For heaven's sake," one woman said, sighing. "What is the holdup?" A few minutes later, they had the answer. Tom Tancredo, the Republican congressman, was coming to welcome the new citizens. (I DON'T GET IT?)He was hard to miss when he breezed in, 25 minutes late, dressed in a dark suit and an American-flag necktie. Even so, few in the room recognized him until one man whispered, "He's the guy who sits on the border chasing illegals."

Tancredo may not be a household name yet, but he's doing everything he can to change that. As the House and Senate debate the nation's immigration and border-security laws, the four-term Coloradan has positioned himself as the loudest, angriest voice against the estimated 11 million illegal aliens now living in the United States. They are "a scourge that threatens the very future of our nation," he says. He laments "the cult of multiculturalism," and worries about America's becoming a "Tower of Babel." If Republican presidential candidates don't put the problem atop the agenda in 2008, he says he'll run himself, just to force the front runners to talk about it. Not that he thinks he'd win the White House. He declares himself "too fat, too short and too bald" to be president. If the Republicans lose the election because he's too tough on the issue, he says, "So be it."

Not so long ago, Tancredo was regarded as little more than a noisy pest on Capitol Hill. His colleagues shook their heads at his tireless demands for crackdowns on American employers who hire illegals and his idea for a 700-mile-long fence along the Mexican border. But in recent months, some of those same Republicans have come to realize that, while Tancredo may be a crank, he is a crank with a large and passionate following. Anti-immigration sentiment has always simmered, and it flares up about once a decade—the last time it hit this level was 1996, when California Gov. Pete Wilson made it the centerpiece of his failed presidential campaign. Tancredo was one of the first politicians to tap into the latest surge of anger. In states with large numbers of undocumented workers, voters complain that poor illegals are overwhelming public schools, clogging hospital emergency rooms and bankrupting welfare budgets. And they worry that inadequate border security makes it easy for would-be terrorists to sneak into the country. Tancredo's colleagues are listening. When he arrived in Washington, he started the Immigration Reform Caucus. The group attracted just 16 members. Today, there are 91.

Tancredo's anti-immigration campaign is also brazenly, almost gleefully, taking aim at George W. Bush and Karl Rove. The president had once hoped the immigration debate would center on his proposed guest-worker program, which would allow illegals—who fill millions of unskilled, low-wage jobs—to stay in the country for a set period of time. This was Bush the pragmatist, the former border-state governor who wanted to acknowledge the importance of immigrant labor to construction, fruit farming and other chunks of the U.S. economy. "He doesn't think it's morally right that a group that has been critical to the strength of the economy is operating in the shadows," says a senior Bush aide who, following policy, spoke anonymously. Meanwhile, Rove pushed the pure political benefits of the plan: immigrant-friendly policies would help the party reach out to the fast-growing Latino vote.

Instead, the immigration debate has split the GOP, with many Republicans in the House and Senate, worried about alienating voters, openly opposing the president. In December, the House tossed aside the worker program and passed a bill that features tougher security at the Mexican border—including Tancredo's cherished fence—and crackdowns on illegals who are already here. "You can't ignore him," says a GOP leadership aide who wouldn't be named because he wanted to keep his job. "The administration doesn't want to hear this, but a lot of Americans think he's right."

In the Senate, Republicans, led by John McCain and Arlen Specter, have been working to come up with a compromise that would include border security, a guest-worker program and a way for illegal immigrants to "earn" citizenship. But Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist, a presidential contender with one eye on the anti-immigration vote—and the other one on outflanking McCain—has threatened to put forward his own get-tough plan this week if the senators fail to come through.

Ignoring Communism While Fighting for Israel

While the Bush administration was pushing Iraq into the spotlight as America’s largest threat, North Korea was probably assembling a real nuclear threat. Ignoring the brutal Communist regime to invade Iraq may be a larger mistake then we are led onto believe.

"What you've seen is a rather predictable series of escalatory statements from North Korea," White House spokesman Ari Fleischer.

The White House has downplayed the threat of a clash with the Red North Koreans for some time now. So, a Communist regime threatens the US with a nuclear strike, publicly informs others that its regime has been working to create long range missiles to carry a nuclear payload across the Pacific. Sounds like a perfect time to invade Iraq, and claim that the real nuclear threat comes from a dilapidated country in the Middle East that is already under the UN’s thumb.

Why has the Bush administration downplayed the threat of North Korean ICBM’s landing on the American west? Could it be that the Bush regime will only devote troops and attention to the enemy’s of Israel? Domestic issues just seem to sit on the back burner while we aid the Jews in a fight for Globalism. And as for threats from North Korea, they will go unanswered until American lives are lost. By that time it will be too late.

Gang of Niggers Shoot White Boy

How can 6 blacks, attacking and white kid and shooting him 3 times not be racially motivated? This is way beyond a "double standard", another injustice done against white Americans. I am sure somehow the court system will make this young white victim out to be some sort of racist that deserved to be shot. This country is going to the dogs (REDS)......


SIX Niggers with larcenous intent headed out of their North Philadelphia neighborhood looking for a score.

The groids, one carrying a loaded .38-caliber revolver, decided to head to Fairmount to rob someone, police said yesterday. (Nothing better to do on a Sunday, right)

Instead of finding a young professional with cash in his pocket, the group came across one of Fairmount's toughest teens, his neighbors said, and the showdown began.

Robert Pierson, 17, ran out of a friend's house on Stillman Street near Parrish about 8 p.m. Thursday after the young marauders threw a bottle through an elderly woman's front window.

Unarmed, Pierson confronted the teens, and one of them pulled out the revolver and shot the high-school senior twice in the neck and once in the back, police said.

The assailants then fled down Parrish Street and Pierson was taken to Hahnemann University Hospital, where he remained in critical condition yesterday. Police said one of the bullets was still stuck in Pierson's spine.

"This was not racial," said police spokesman Sgt. Jim Pauley, correcting an earlier neighborhood theory about what had caused the shooting. "Their goal was to rob somebody."
Pierson is white and the six teens are black. (SURE, RACE HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH THIS)

Cops said they arrested five of the six youths, including the triggerman. The teens, 13 to 16 years old, were charged with attempted murder, robbery, and illegally carrying a gun.
Because the teens are juveniles, police withheld their names, but a source said they are from the area of Taney Street near Cumberland.
Pierson's cousin Jen Rounds, 34, said Pierson attended the Franklin Learning Center on 15th Street near Mount Vernon and liked to play baseball. He has three sisters.
Pierson lives on Bailey Street near Parrish.

A 19-year-old Stillman Street resident who would not give her name called Pierson a "ringleader" of a group of teens and said she wasn't surprised that he had yelled at a group of strangers.

Pierson's friend, Derick Wad-king, 20, agreed that Pierson has confronted outsiders.
"They [NIGGERS] usually start trouble here," Wadking said. "They talk a lot of trash. You can only take so much."

But, like the unnamed 19-year-old, older neighbors had a different slant on Pierson, contending that he has goaded outsiders.
A resident of 25th Street who disclosed that he was afraid to be identified said he often has seen Pierson standing with about five other teens at 25th and Parrish. Two other neighbors also said Pierson and his crew were a fixture on the corner.
They yell at the "black kids walking through the neighborhood," one of them said. "They even pick on middle-age women," he claimed. (The kid gets shot for being white and they make him out to be the bad guy)

Immigrant Scabs take to the streets

Jewish media coverage this past weekend of thousands of illegal scabs should have registered as a slap in the face to hard working Americans. Instead, news media organizations showed pictures of the brown thieves playing to crowds of white fan fair and government support. Not one Zionist media organization seemed to mention that most of the protesters ILLEGAL and are in theory a criminally trespassing on American soil. Maybe, someone forgot that these non-citizens do not have the right to assemble in our country, since they are not in fact Americans.

People so quickly forget the facts of the situation. Like, based on government labor statistics over the last five years, a report by the Center for Immigration Studies, which favors less immigration, found that employment of illegal immigrants with a high school diploma or less has grown as employment of Americans with the same credentials has dropped. The fact is folks that more American Born workers are UNEMPLOYED! The number of illegals in the U.S. work force grew by 3percent, or 1.5 million, the number of Americans who were unemployed or not in the labor force increased by 4 percent, or 2.6 million.

President Bush's "Guest Workers" are taking your jobs, costing you money and leading a march towards a new America filled with crime, poverty territorial dispute.

Friday, March 24, 2006

Jews Attempt to Hijack Easter!

Each holiday season -- whether Christmas, Halloween or Easter -- a cultural campaign is waged against White symbols, fuelled in large part by Jewish hate groups like the Anti-Defamation League. The latest victim of the puritanical purge is Peter Cottontail, who has been cleansed from St. Paul, Minnesota's City Hall. The charge? The "human rights director" of the city says that the Easter Bunny is likely to offend "non-Christians." (We wonder when St. Paul will change its name). Ironically, the Easter Bunny is not a Christian symbol at all but, like the Easter egg, Santa Claus and the Christmas tree is a living holdover from our pagan European past. As with attacks on Christmas expressions, the real target of the bunny ban is White history and culture. Even as there is a vociferous cry for a "separation of church and state" little if anything is said about the worrisome confluence of synagogue and state; a candelabra was raised on the lawn of the White House at Christmas of 2005, while millenial Jewish supremacist neo-cons dominate US foreign policy.These recent attacks on public expression of the faith of the overwhelming majority of White Americans are in line with ADL calls to see Christianity as a "threat" to Jews. This in in keeping with the Zionist desire to manufacture a sense of persecution in Jews, a mainstay of their survival strategy.

The Theft of a Nation.....

Bush's guest workers seem to be a little out of control. Not only are these undesirables able to steal your hard earned tax dollars, now they are stealing credit from 2 year old children. Why should children now have to suffer at the hand of these filthy thieves? Let the dirty hippies who want this filthy rabble here foot the bill! Maybe after they realize that their 2 year old owes 20,000 in bills they get the idea through their dope soaked mind....

Fake ID business booms in Los Angeles
California metropolis is the forged document capital of America

LOS ANGELES - The Federal Trade Commission says identity theft is one of the fastest-growing crimes in the country. The thieves often use phony Social Security numbers belonging to innocent citizens — and do it with the greatest of ease.
Undercover video, shot by agents of the federal Immigration and Customs Enforcement Service, was used to help convict a man of forging Social Security cards and other government IDs.
It’s a practice that often victimizes innocent people, like 2-year-old Tyler Lybbert of Draper, Utah. She doesn't understand that she's got some serious credit problems.

"She's basically got two loans out on her Social Security number and, I believe, a credit card out," says Tyler’s mother, Camber Lybbert. "She's got $15,000 in debt."
How could that happen?
It happened because someone else was using a Social Security number identical to Tyler's. It's part of a mushrooming problem in America involving criminals who make and sell phony documents.

Kevin Jeffery, a special agent with the Immigration and Customs Enforcement Service, says computers make it easy for the forgers.
"The document vendors themselves, they just make up random numbers," Jeffrey says. "To do this would take maybe about two minutes, tops."
Jeffery says Los Angeles, with its huge population of illegal immigrants, is the counterfeit document capital of America.
NBC News asked an employee of its Spanish language sister network, Telemundo, to walk through Los Angeles' MacArthur Park, where he was approached four times in 30 minutes by document vendors.
"They told me I can get everything from IDs to permanent resident cards, or green cards, Social Security numbers," he says. "They have everything."
Back in Utah, after the NBC station in Salt Lake City reported on the theft of Tyler Lybbert's identity, authorities arrested a suspect. Jose Tinoco was charged with identity fraud and forgery.
But in spite of the efforts to crack down, officials warn that the ID theft business is booming.

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Who is running America?

I implore you took look at them membership base of these groups. They consist of the people who run our government at the highest level.

The Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs

Zionist Organization of America

American Zionist Movement

World Zionist Organization

Jewish Americans have set up an impressive array of organisations to influence American foreign policy, of which AIPAC is the most powerful and best known. In 1997, Fortune magazine asked members of Congress and their staffs to list the most powerful lobbies in Washington. AIPAC was ranked second behind the American Association of Retired People, but ahead of the AFL-CIO and the National Rifle Association. A National Journal study in March 2005 reached a similar conclusion, placing AIPAC in second place (tied with AARP) in the Washington ‘muscle rankings’.

The Lobby also includes prominent Christian evangelicals like Gary Bauer, Jerry Falwell, Ralph Reed and Pat Robertson, as well as Dick Armey and Tom DeLay, former majority leaders in the House of Representatives, all of whom believe Israel’s rebirth is the fulfilment of biblical prophecy and support its expansionist agenda; to do otherwise, they believe, would be contrary to God’s will. Neo-conservative gentiles such as John Bolton; Robert Bartley, the former Wall Street Journal editor; William Bennett, the former secretary of education; Jeane Kirkpatrick, the former UN ambassador; and the influential columnist George Will are also steadfast supporters.

Another source of the Lobby’s power is its use of pro-Israel congressional staffers. As Morris Amitay, a former head of AIPAC, once admitted, ‘there are a lot of guys at the working level up here’ – on Capitol Hill – ‘who happen to be Jewish, who are willing . . . to look at certain issues in terms of their Jewishness . . . These are all guys who are in a position to make the decision in these areas for those senators . . . You can get an awful lot done just at the staff level.’
AIPAC itself, however, forms the core of the Lobby’s influence in Congress. Its success is due to its ability to reward legislators and congressional candidates who support its agenda, and to punish those who challenge it. Money is critical to US elections (as the scandal over the lobbyist Jack Abramoff’s shady dealings reminds us), and AIPAC makes sure that its friends get strong financial support from the many pro-Israel political action committees. Anyone who is seen as hostile to Israel can be sure that AIPAC will direct campaign contributions to his or her political opponents. AIPAC also organises letter-writing campaigns and encourages newspaper editors to endorse pro-Israel candidates.

There is no doubt about the efficacy of these tactics. Here is one example: in the 1984 elections, AIPAC helped defeat Senator Charles Percy from Illinois, who, according to a prominent Lobby figure, had ‘displayed insensitivity and even hostility to our concerns’. Thomas Dine, the head of AIPAC at the time, explained what happened: ‘All the Jews in America, from coast to coast, gathered to oust Percy. And the American politicians – those who hold public positions now, and those who aspire – got the message.’

AIPAC’s influence on Capitol Hill goes even further. According to Douglas Bloomfield, a former AIPAC staff member, ‘it is common for members of Congress and their staffs to turn to AIPAC first when they need information, before calling the Library of Congress, the Congressional Research Service, committee staff or administration experts.’ More important, he notes that AIPAC is ‘often called on to draft speeches, work on legislation, advise on tactics, perform research, collect co-sponsors and marshal votes’.

The bottom line is that AIPAC, a de facto agent for a foreign government, has a stranglehold on Congress, with the result that US policy towards Israel is not debated there, even though that policy has important consequences for the entire world. In other words, one of the three main branches of the government is firmly committed to supporting Israel. As one former Democratic senator, Ernest Hollings, noted on leaving office, ‘you can’t have an Israeli policy other than what AIPAC gives you around here.’ Or as Ariel Sharon once told an American audience, ‘when people ask me how they can help Israel, I tell them: “Help AIPAC.”’

The wole article CLICK HERE

Zionists striking in force

<-One Nation Under Jews......

Senator Harry Reid (D-NV) - Member of the (Zionist Organization of America), explaines to the Senate that no illigration reform will pass! CLICK HERE to see Harry's membership into ZOA.

Reid Threatens Filibuster on Immigration

Mar 22 9:52 PM US/Eastern

By ELLIOT SPAGATAssociated Press Writer


As the Senate prepares to tackle the most sweeping immigration reforms in years, a top Democrat vowed Wednesday to do everything in his power, including filibuster, to thwart Majority Leader Bill Frist's proposed overhaul.
Minority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., said he would "use every procedural means at my disposal" to prevent Frist from bypassing the Judiciary Committee. Frist, R-Tenn., has made clear the Senate will take up his proposal next week if the 18-member committee fails to complete a broader bill.

"If Leader Frist brings a bill to the floor that does not have the approval of the Judiciary Committee, it will not get out of the Senate," Reid told reporters at the San Ysidro border crossing, a few steps from Tijuana, Mexico.
Bob Stevenson, a spokesman for Frist, did not immediately respond to a call Wednesday evening.
Reid said the overhaul must include heightened border enforcement, a "guest worker" program and a "path to citizenship" for the estimated 11 million people in the United States illegally. He called legislation by Sens. Edward Kennedy, D-Mass., and John McCain, R- Ariz., a "good place to start."
President Bush, in a State of the Union address two years ago, urged Congress to create a worker program under which participants could gain legal status for a specific time and then be required to return home. It would not provide an automatic path to citizenship.
Frist unveiled a bill last week that sidesteps the question of temporary work permits. It would tighten borders, punish employers who hire illegal immigrants and provide more visas.

Zionist Pig Hillary Clinton

(Picture:Hillary and her husband trekked to Israel, where Hillary made sure to get her photo snapped at Jerusalem’s Western Wall, designed to touch the hearts of all voting Jews in America)

Hillary is vowing to block criminalizing illegal immigrants. I hate to tell her this, but they are already criminals (U.S. Code as of: 01/06/03 Section 1325. Improper entry by alien) . I wondered how long it would take before she openly embraced the Zionist agenda; she has been keeping a low profile until now. I am particularly fond of the way that she used the name JESUS CHRIST to defend more browning of American soil. I hope leaders in the Christian community are outraged, as they should be.

NEW YORK -- Invoking Biblical themes, Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton joined immigration advocates Wednesday to vow and block legislation seeking to criminalize undocumented immigrants. Clinton, a potential 2008 presidential candidate and relative latecomer to the immigration debate, made her remarks as the Senate prepares to take up the matter next week.
Clinton renewed her pledge to oppose a bill passed in December by the House that would make unlawful presence in the United States _ currently a civil offense _ a felony. The Senate is set to consider a version of that legislation, as well as several other bills seeking to address the seemingly intractable issue of immigration reform. Surrounded by a multicultural coalition of New York immigration advocates, Clinton blasted the House bill as "mean-spirited" and said it flew in the face of Republicans' stated support for faith and values. "It is certainly not in keeping with my understanding of the Scriptures," Clinton said, "because this bill would literally criminalize the Good Samaritan and probably even Jesus himself." Clinton did not specifically endorse any competing legislation, including a bill co-authored by Sens. John McCain (R-Ariz.) and Edward Kennedy (D-Mass.) and another by Sen. Chuck Hagel (R-Neb.), saying she hoped the Senate Judiciary Committee would produce a compromise incorporating the best elements of all the bills and would remove the harsh penalties contained in the House measure. Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist (R-Tenn.) has said the Senate will take up his proposal to tighten borders and punish employers who hire illegal immigrants if the Judiciary Committee doesn't complete a broader bill by next week. Among other things, Clinton said she would support legislation that would strengthen U.S. borders, boost technology to secure the borders, and seek greater cross-border cooperation with Mexico and other neighboring countries. She also called for new enforcement laws, including penalties for employers who exploit illegal immigrants, as well as a system to allow the roughly 11 million illegal immigrants currently living in the United States to earn their citizenship. Clinton expressed sympathy to representatives of communities along the U.S.-Mexico border that are frustrated by the stress of providing social services to large numbers of undocumented immigrants. But she also said she hoped to send a message that supporters of punitive immigration policy faced significant political risk for doing so. "We want the outcome to be that they're on the wrong side of the politics as well as the wrong side of history and American values," she said. President Bush has argued for a guest worker program that would allow undocumented immigrants already in the United States to keep their jobs for up to six years. The effort hasn't gained much momentum, partly due to fierce resistance from others within the GOP.

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Stealing from you!

Analysis of the latest Census data indicates Floridas illegal immigrant population is costing the state taxpayers nearly two billion dollars per year for education, medical care and incarceration. Even if the estimated taxes collected from illegal immigrant workers are subtracted, net outlays still amount to nearly one billion dollars per year. The annual fiscal burden amounts to about $315 per Florida household headed by a white resident.

People fail to see that our "Guest Workers" are not here for any other reason but to steal from YOU! We are supporting dilapidateded Mexican economy that is controlled by underworld crime figures that expose our children to illicit drugs.

Floridians spend more than $1.5 billion annually on education for illegal immigrant children and for their U.S.-born siblings. About 8.7 percent of the K-12 public school students in Florida are children of illegal aliens. Parents that complain about the nature of a child's education need to be aware that public school funds are flying out the window. Spanish a now required coarse for Florida children will soon phase out English. European ethnic groups will have no choice but to retreat northwords in hope of slavaging their child's education.

They are everywhere!

This story from WND shows that South American nationals have worked their way into every crevasse of our system. There will be no need for them to war with us to take back parts of the country, they are already doing it. They sneak in, learn the ropes and steal what they can for their own ware effort. The strategy is obvious, flood the country with South American peoples and laugh all the way to the bank....

Illegal Aliens Captured Working at Naval Undersea Warfare Center
By Jim Kouri

(AXcess News) New York - Federal agents arrested three Guatemalan nationals and one Colombian national who were all working illegally for AID Maintenance, a Rhode Island-based company that provides contract cleaning services to both the the Naval Undersea Warfare Center and the Naval Station in Newport R.I.
In Monday's operation, Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents apprehended the individuals as they reported for work at the base. The workers, who had access badges authorizing them to enter the Naval Station, were identified after agents audited the hiring records of more than 250 AID Maintenance workers. The audit found deficiencies in more than 50% of the records of the employees on the company's payroll.
This operation is part of ICE's worksite enforcement efforts focusing on businesses with ties to security sensitive sites and critical infrastructure facilities—including airports, military bases, and bio-agriculture industries.
Unauthorized workers with access to such sites are vulnerable to exploitation by terrorists, smugglers, traffickers, or other criminals. The Newport Naval Station houses the Naval War College, which provides training to students from around the world, and also houses the Naval Justice School, the Surface Warfare Officer's School, the Naval Chaplain School, the Officer Indoctrination School, and the Officer Candidate School as well as others.
"One of our highest worksite enforcement priorities is safeguarding critical infrastructure and sensitive security sites from the presence of unauthorized individuals," said Matthew J. Etre acting special agent-in-charge of ICE in New England. "Working hand-in-hand with these facilities, ICE agents are able to identify gaps in security and shut down potential vulnerabilities to our national security."
The aliens arrested have been placed in removal proceedings, and will appear before a federal immigration judge who will determine whether they should be deported.
A termination notice has been served on AID Maintenance informing them that 140 of their employees are not authorized employment in the United States. The Homeland Security Department is continuing to investigate this case.

"Diversity Day" promotion of a multi-cultural cess pool

Article clip WND:

Amid controversy over a homosexual speaker, a high school in Wisconsin has canceled its "Diversity Day" event scheduled for tomorrow. Speakers at Viroqua High School in Viroqua, Wisc., for the biannual event were to include Hmong, Jewish, Muslim, American Indian, African American, Latino, Buddhist, physically handicapped and poor people, the La Crosse Tribune reported. The paper said, however, the event was called off late last week after the Florida-based public-interest legal group Liberty Counsel raised a potential challenge, insisting the program include the viewpoint of a former homosexual.

Diversity day, diversity classes, diversity counsels...... Why cover it up and sugarcoat it? This is plain old fashioned brain training promoted by Jewish entities like the ADL. The more any white child attempts to speak out the more they are singled out and told to keep quite. I am certain that Viroqua High would not have allowed a student to speak about Adolf Hitler. However, if a student wants to share with everyone the white genocidal ideas of Malcolm X I am sure an award would be presented to the student. And what an opportunity for Jews to bloviate more about the holocaust that never took place. So, what is a Diversity Day? A tidal wave of lies aimed straight at white American youth, once again to show them that "it's not cool to be white, straight and have moral character". It's much better to be of another race or sexual persuasion, and then you get a day to celebrate it....

Guest workers strike again...


A woman was slashed in the face with a knife by a man who opened her car door and asked for money at a McDonald's parking lot, said Crime Stoppers of El Paso.The case, which is the Crime Stoppers "crime of the week," occurred about 9 p.m. March 13 at the restaurant, 5440 Dyer in the Northeast.The man opened the door and demanded the woman get out. When she refused, he cut her. He fled with another man.The assailant was described as an 18-year-old Hispanic, 5 feet 5 inches tall, 150 pounds, with short dark hair. He was wearing a bright blue sports jersey and dark pants.

Looks like a case of another "Guest Worker" gone wild.

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Extermination of “white people off the face of the planet.” Dr. Kamau Kambon

Nothing was ever done about this..... Is racism defending yourself against people like this? This aired on CSPAN! nothing was even mentioned about it.. again, turn it around and imagine if a known Nazi member were to use the same language?

RALEIGH — A Raleigh activist and bookstore owner told a panel at Howard University Law School on Oct. 14 that the solution to many of the problems faced by black people is the extermination of “white people off the face of the planet.” Dr. Kamau Kambon,(I put a picture of thie dumb nigger above) who taught Africana Studies 241 in the Spring 2005 semester at North Carolina State University, also said this needs to be done “because white people want to kill us.”Addressing a panel on “Hurricane Katrina Media Coverage,” broadcast in its entirety on C-SPAN, Kambon told the audience that white people “have retina scans, they have what they call racial profiling, DNA banks, and they’re monitoring our people to try to prevent the one person from coming up with the one idea. And the one idea is, how we are going to exterminate white people because that in my estimation is the only conclusion I have come to. We have to exterminate white people off the face of the planet to solve this problem.”Kambon’s solution received slight applause in the room, to which he responded, “I don’t care whether you clap or not, but I’m saying to you that we need to solve this problem because they are going to kill us.”

Black mob attacks white family in KC

I am sure that this mob must have just thought that there was a rap video being filmed nearby. What if this would have been a white mob? Do you think that this story would have had more attention? hmm....

Dark mob shouting anti-White slogans attacks hospital-bound Whites in Missouri incident Kansas City, Mo.

-- An out-of-town couple visiting a sick child encountered an unruly mob following the St. Patrick's Day parade. KMBC's Chris Nagus reported that two cars with two different couples were on the way to Children's Mercy Hospital when another car cut between them. One of the drivers asked the cutting driver not to block them. Then, things got out of control when a mob came out of nowhere, Nagus reported. "Just a whole bunch of people rushed the car. I was thinking 20 girls; my husband said more like 30," said Michelle Essig, who was driving to the hospital when the people stormed her car. "They opened up my car door and started punching my friend, who just had a C-section three weeks ago."Essig said she attempted to escape the mob. "They shook the car, they were jumping on the windows. There was a guy on the roof of my car," Essig said. "They tried to pull me out of the vehicle, that's when I gassed it and floored it. They continued to assault my vehicle." She said the incident was unprovoked, but she has one theory about why it happened. "I took great offense to the stuff they were yelling. It seemed to be a racially-motivated thing," Essig said. "'You white b's, you racist b's.'"

Ranting and raving....

I have noticed that the liberal need to promote a Marxist agenda continues to grow out of control. I saw an add last night for a new television show that makes black people white and white people black. I flip through the channels and see interracial couples, homosexuality and criticism of religious beliefs. It's funny to imagine what this neo communist society of the future will be like, or is it? Witnessing the media control of today and what it does to individuals can be frightening. White children are looking to identify with a race other than their own because they are taught to be ashamed by parents, media and piers. Let's face it, it's cool to be black, it's cool to listen to rap music that promotes a culture of murder and violence and drugs. For those that do not have the heart to embrace their inner Negroid there is always a liberal hippie with outstretched arms willing to show children the freedoms of leading a nihilistic existence. Enter the catalyst Mestizo crusader, now you have what I would like to refer to as a complete cluster fuck.

Another night of television for me and I might stroll into work tomorrow a gay cowboy with gold chains, that I can't afford, asking 'why my welfare check didn't come yet' and demanding that they open the borders now so we have more people to kill whitey.

Monday, March 20, 2006

Numbers from the RED CROSS

Thought that I would post a couple of documents listing the number of dead in the "death camps" from the Red Cross. The LIE gets bigger!

News for McCain and Kennedy!

New legislation proposed by John McCain and the murdering Ted Kennedy would grant immunity to the some 12 million illegal parasites. Kennedy and McCain use the term "Essential Workers" for the foreign invaders that have breached the border in search of a welfare check and free housing. Kennedy, McCain and the rest of their capital hill goons fail to mention that unemployment rates continue rise as well as Mestizo violence.

The National Research Council has estimated that the net fiscal cost of immigration ranges from $11 billion to $22 billion per year, while Kennedy bellows that it would be much to expensive for taxpayers to shoulder the burden of sending the thieves home. The new house bill H-5A would also grant immunity to the millions of offspring that these vile creatures are sure to bear, costing American taxpayers an unfathomable amount of money. Mestizo invaders are not taxpayers and happily pass on the burden of feeding their children, providing an education, housing and many other responsibilities to hard working Americans that pay taxes.

Declining wages and an economy that is destined for ruin will assure that the Mestizo population will be this first to bear the brunt of American anger. We will run the back to their own dilapidated shacks to live in squalor where they belong. Do what I have done, start to let them know that this country is not an economic refugee camp. Tell them to "GO HOME"!

Friday, March 17, 2006

Black child praised for HATE PLEDGE AGAINST WHITES!

The child of Black Panther parents gets to speak out in public schools that she does not even attend. This is truly a sign of the times; white children are publicly humiliated in school by Negroid Black Panther members. More and more children and adults are being singled out for their race and when they are they support the people that single them out. Look at what all this multicultural crap has done to our society, turned it into one big "I hate white people" party.

AP New York
NYC leaders support black girl who read white nationalism poem

By MARCUS FRANKLINAssociated Press WriterMarch 15, 2006, 4:06 PM EST
NEW YORK -- Autum Ashante, a 7-year-old black girl, caused a stir at two Westchester County schools by reciting a poem she wrote about white nationalism. [:notice they say white nationalism instead of just white people, which is what this was really about]But her words _ and her actions _ are earning high praise from some city leaders. On Tuesday, Autum stood on the steps of City Hall with Councilman Charles Barron, who denounced what he described as attacks and harassment since Autum spoke last month at a middle and high school. Later, she appeared on the Rev. Al Sharpton's radio show.

At issue is a poem Autum delivered on Feb. 28 titled "White Nationalism Put U In Bondage,"[:more like we hate white people] in which Christopher Columbus and Charles Darwin are likened to pirates and vampires. The young girl, who is homeschooled, also asked students to stand and recite the "Black Child's Pledge," an oath of responsibility and black pride. When white students at the Peekskill High School assembly stood with black students, Autum told them to sit down, the school district's superintendent said. The Peekskill City School District then sent recorded messages to parents of its 3,000 students apologizing to anyone who was offended. Mel Bolden, a Peekskill high school music teacher and black culture club adviser, invited Autum to speak, a school official said. Barron said he couldn't understand why anyone would be offended. He characterized the girl as "brave" and "outspoken in telling the truth," and he defended her 162-word poem, praising it as evoking "peace, power and pride about her heritage." [If I did this in school I would still be in prison]"Someone decided to call parents and apologize," Barron, a former Black Panther, said at the news conference. "Some are talking about banning her from speaking in the school system. You don't have to agree with everything we say, but we have a right to say it. We are very, very proud of you, Autum." Barron said he couldn't cite specific incidents of harassment of the girl since she read the poem. He said he planned to ask Attorney General Eliot Spitzer's office to look into whether the girl's free speech rights were violated. Judith Johnson, the Peekskill superintendent, said Autum isn't banned from speaking in the district again. "Never, ever would we do something like that," Johnson said. "But telling white kids you can't recite the pledge and to sit down _ in a multicultural district you can't do that." The school district is about 40 percent black, 30 percent Hispanic and the rest mostly white and Asian. Johnson said "outsiders have interjected race into a town where it's not an issue." Spitzer spokeswoman Juanita Scarlett said the attorney general doesn't investigate individual cases. "However, it is our understanding that the school district has not barred Autum Ashante from participating in further events," she said. Autum is homeschooled with a curriculum by the Black Homeschoolers Association, said her father, Batin Ashante, of Mount Vernon. She also is an aspiring actress and soon-to-be poetry artist. On the steps of City Hall, Autum recited the poem and pledge, drawing yelps of "Tell it!" and "Hallelujah!" from Barron's staff and others in the small crowd. Then she took questions, cautioning a reporter to use the term "African" instead of "African-American." Asked how she felt about some white students and parents being upset, Autum said, "I feel bad, but I know it was the right thing to do." When asked how much help she received to write the poem, she replied, "My dad helped with spelling and pronunciation." Autum said she is at work on another poem, "Two, Four, Six, Eight." Before she could explain what it's about, she was ushered away for her next public appearance.

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Muds accross Florida

This story is from October of last year. Every time that I come across it I just get more upset. These type of criminal gang offenses are happening all over the US, kinda gives ya the warm and fuzzy. Gangs of Mud Border jumpers roam free to rape and kill, I am sorry I incorrectly labeled these individuals; I believe the correct term is "Guest Worker". Next time you are out in public make sure you thank a Guest Worker for all the good they are doing for us....

Collier County Sheriffs' Deputies have arrested 14 illegal aliens on charges of kidnapping, false imprisonment and sexual battery by multiple perpetrators for the gang rape of an 18-year-old white girl in Immokalee. According to Deputy Patrick McNairs' report, "The young woman's ordeal began early Saturday morning when she said she heard a knock on her door. When she opened the front door, several men grabbed her and one of them put his hand over her face." She was dragged across the street away from the safety of her home and into a trailer where other men were waiting. She was choked and beaten until she finally lost conciousness. At one point she awoke and the men were puring alcohol all over here and into her mouth. Her pants were pulled down and the 14 animals took turns raping her. The woman said when they were through with her she was pushed out the front door onto the ground. From that point she managed to get to her landlords house and call police. She's now being held in protective custody to avoid reprisal attacks.The 14 rapists are being held without bail at the Collier County Jail. Thirteen of the perpetrators were Guatemalan, and one a Puerto Rican. None of the men have a drivers license or social security number, none even had birth certificates. When the perpetrators were arrested their race was listed as code W, which defines them for all statistical puproses as White. The police report at this URL shows booking photos taken at the time of arrest and this gang of international race trash is anything but white. Unfortunately the federal statistics will not account for this as a hate crime against a white girl by hispanics illegal aliens, it will report that 14 white men raped this poor girl. This many misidentified criminals in one case should go a long way to lower the crime disparity among races. According to the Collier County Sheriffs office, 13 of these savages reportedly live at 827 Rebecca Drive, the same address where the rape occured. Rene Perezgarcia, 22, of 823 Rebecca Drive was the only one not listing that address as his residence. It's unknown if these are even their real names but the police report lists the following bastards arrested; Mario Lopez Luis, 19; Herman Sanchez Salas, 28; Ovidio Lopez Funez, 19; Napoleon Perez Lopez, 29; Edwin Albaladego Rivera, 28; Ermitanio Lopez Salas, 18; Isreal Santiago, 56; Rolando Perez Claudio, 23; Alvarado Perez Luis, 21; Augusto Perez Lopez, 32; Cesar Perez Lopez, 29; Gabino Garcia Godinez, 24; and Augusto Garcia Velasquez, 30.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Hate Crimes...

Doesn't our justice system make you feel safe...

Denver, CO - A White female teenager, Brandy DuvaI, is
raped, sodomized, tortured with a broomstick and
stabbed 28 times by a gang of six blacks and Hispanics.
Her skull is caved in and corpse dumped into a ditch.
Police confiscate a blood soaked mattress as evidence.
This was not investigated as a hate crime.
Killeen, TX - A White couple, Todd and Stacy Bagley are
kidnapped on the way to church, lit on fire, burned to
death and shot in the head by four blacks.This was not
investigated as a hate crime.
Flint, MI - Three White teenagers, Michael Carter, Dustin
Kaiser and (girl’s name withheld by police) are attacked
by six black youths. Carter is shot and killed. Kaiser is
beaten and shot in the head, but recovers. The girl is
forced to perform oral sex on her black attackers, pistol
whipped and shot in the face.This was not investigated as
a hate crime.
South Carolina - A White female, Melissa McLaughlin, is
raped, tortured and skinned alive in a tub of bleach by
seven blacks.This was not investigated as a hate crime.
Racine, WI - A black gang member, Nazeer Ghani, fires
into a crowd of White concert-goers while shouting
racial epithets, killing (father of two small children) Joe
Rowan. Although identified by 30 witnesses, police
release the killer for "lack of evidence."This was not
investigated as a hate crime.
Jacksonville, FL - A mentally retarded White man,
Gregory Griffith, is beaten and stomped unconscious
by blacks. The blacks admitted to the police beating
Griffith because "he was White". The group allegedly
had planned to attack the first White man who walked
down the street. A witness testified that he saw fists flying
and a White man backing out of a crowd, swinging
and ducking before falling to the ground and being
kicked in the midriff and head. Griffith died 13 days
later from blunt head trauma.
Kansas City, MO - A black male shoots two White coworkers,
Micheal Scott and Traci Riehle. Scott is killed
and Riehle is critically injured. Police find a note referring
to "blood sucker supreme White people". This was
not investigated as a hate crime.
Alexandria, VA - An eight year old White child, Kevin
Shiffiet, is killed when his throat is slit by a black who
also stabs his 80 year old great grandmother and
punches her in the chest. Police find a rambling, handwritten
note stating. "Kill them raceess whiate kidd’s
anyway". This was not investigated as a hate crime.
Burlington, NC - A ten year old White child, Tiffany
Long, is raped, sodomized, sexually tortured and mur-
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dered by two black males and a black female. The black
female rams a broomstick up her vagina and rectum.
The parents were prohibited from seeing their dead
daughter’s body. This was not investigated as a hate
Fayetteville, NC - Two white women, Tracy Lambert and
Susan Moore, are carjacked by a group of seven blacks
and Hispanics and shot execution style in the head.
This murder was part of a gang initiation. The bullets
found in the victims’ heads were painted blue, the Crips’
gang color. This was not investigated as a hate crime.
Miami, FL - Seven Whites are murdered by the Yahweh
Cult whose leader orders the members to cut off and
return the ears of the victims as proof of the murders.
The trial was conducted at the same time as the Rodney
King trial! This was not investigated as a hate crime.
Cincinnati, OH - Bricks were thrown by black rioters
through car windows at the heads of any White drivers
unfortunate enough to be in the area. A White woman
was dragged from her car and brutally beaten by a
black mob. An albino African American woman suffered
a similar fate until a voice called out, "she is black." At
which point the beating stopped. This was not investigated
as a hate crime.
Charleston, SC - Troy Knapp and his friend, Gary
Thornburg were riding their bicycles when they happened
onto a group of black men. This mob attacked
the two White men, knocking Gary unconscious and
beating Troy with various objects including pipes. A
large portion of Knapp's skull had to be removed to
allow for swelling in his brain. A damaged portion of his
brain had to be surgically removed. He is seriously and
permanently injured, and will never recover from the
injuries of this beating. This was not investigated as a
hate crime.
Wilkinsburg, PA - A black man named Ronald Taylor
shot five Whites, killing three. A black acquaintance
stated that Taylor had said, "I'm gonna kill all White
people. Prior to the attack, he told a black woman that
he wouldn't hurt her because he was "out to get all
White people." This was not investigated as a hate crime.
Wichita, KS - Two black men broke in to a house and
attacked five young Whites, all in their twenties, threatening
them with guns. After driving their victims to an
ATM and ordering them to withdraw money, the kidnappers
took them to a deserted soccer field. There they
raped the two White women in front of the men, including
the fiancé of one of the young men. Finally they
ordered the five White victims to kneel and shot them
all execution style. Only one of the young women was
not killed. She walked more than a mile, naked and
bleeding through the snow until she found help. This
was not investigated as a hate crime.
Seattle, WA - Mardi Gras or "Fat Tuesday" celebrations
in that city were disrupted when gangs of black men
roamed the crowd of thousands attacking White men
and women, killing one and injuring 72. They were
heard yelling racial epithets during their attacks. Killed
was Kris Kime, beaten to death with a 40 ounce beer
bottle after coming to the aid of a White woman he didn't
know who was being attacked by the black mob. This
was not investigated as a hate crime.
Charlottesville, VA -- Police arrested 9 black men for a
series of vicious gang assaults against White students
in that college town. Of the nine arrested, one was an
adult and the rest juveniles, one a local high school
football "star." Even though some of the blacks told
cops that they intentionally chose their victims based
on their race, authorities have declined to classify the
attacks as "racially motivated." This was not investigated
as a hate crime.
Salina, KS - A White man, Michael Streeter, 21, was kidnapped
by three black men while pumping gas into his
SUV. After being driven to a remote location, Streeter
had an ear and multiple fingers hacked off, an eye
gouged out, then was repeatedly run over with his own
SUV, breaking his ribs and puncturing his lungs. The
vehicle was found abandoned and on fire a short distance
from the attack. The same blacks are suspects in
the car-jacking of Postal employee Kyle James,43, eight
days earlier, during which the blacks used racial slurs.
This was not investigated as a hate crime.
Annapolis, MD - Three black teen-agers were charged
with armed robbery in the attack of a White woman,
Tracy VanDagna, 22, which left her in need of plastic
surgery. One of the alleged perpetrators, Tacarra Tyler,
17, was charged as an adult. VanDagna was walking to
her car when a black man struck her in the face with a
rock, knocking her to the ground, then grabbed her hair
and pulled her head back while a boy ran up and
repeatedly kicked her in the face. The victim suffered a
broken nose and needed five stitches on her hand.
Police said that even after VanDagna turned over her
backpack, the teen-agers continued to attack her. One
witness told investigators that the assailants said they
"beat up Whites because they don't like them." This was
investigated as a hate crime.
St. Lucie, FL - Three black males in a racially motivated
attack beat a White female high school student. This
was not investigated as a hate crime.
Delray Beach, FL - Crystal Monique Thomas, 19, and
Crystal Antoinette Adams, 20, were charged with battery
for yelling racial slurs at a White woman. Thomas was
also charged with a hate crime for slapping the woman
and calling her a "stupid White bitch."
Tampa, FL - Two black youths, Telly S. Warren, 14, and
James Taylor, 17, were charged with aggravated battery
with a deadly weapon for throwing a deadly missile into
a vehicle occupied by White passengers.
San Francisco, CA - Lavonne Adams, 42, was charged
with involuntary manslaughter and felony assault for
kicking a White woman using a walker who fell, broke
her hip and later died.
Seattle, WA - Police asked prosecutors to consider hate
crimes charges against a black teen who is accused of
beating up and robbing Whites during Mardi Gras. The
perpetrator allegedly told police he believed he was in
the middle of a "racial war."
San Bernardino, CA - Catzrina Tatum, a 25-year-old
black woman, was charged with "suspicion of a hate
crime" for assaulting a White woman because of the
woman's ethnicity.
Bowie, MD - Three black high school girls were charged
with second-degree assault for attacking and verbally
abusing a White male student. The three girls, one of
whom was overheard saying she hated White people
and that she and her friend would "pick on a different
White person each day" -- pushed the boy to the
ground. The boy suffered a contusion to the head, a
bloody nose and scrapes and bruises.
Geneva, IL - A 32-year-old black man was charged with
aggravated assault after he threatened to kill White
police officers and their families.
Minneapolis, MN - During a blizzard a car full of black
gang members becomes stuck in the snow behind that
of a White family. When the family got out of the car to
help, they were beaten with baseball bats, with their 10
year old son going into a coma. The media reported
that police were looking for a "blue car full of men"
without mentioning the race of the attackers. This was
not investigated as a hate crime.
Springfield, TN - Two black teenagers murdered
a White man who had displayed a Confederate flag on
his pickup truck. According to testimony, on Jan. 14,
1995, the two black teenagers were cruising the highway
when they spotted Michael Westerman, 19, and his
wife Hannah, 21. Angered by the flag, the teenagers
rounded up two other cars and followed Mr. Westerman
and his wife. Boxing Westerman's vehicle in with one
car, the black youths pulled along side and shot Mr.
Westerman to death. The two teenagers were found
guilty of murder and attempted aggravated kidnapping.
This was not investigated as a hate crime.
Fall River, IL - Four black men, Damien Gouse, 20, Terry
Lewis, 17, William Wheeler, 22, and John Baker, 19,
were charged with attempted murder for shooting a
White teen-ager.-This was not investigated as a hate crime.
Edwardsville, IL - A black man, Taiwan Davis, 17, was
convicted of first-degree murder for his participation in
the mob-style beating death in August of a White
man.This was not investigated as a hate crime
Alton, IL - A White male, Richard Skelton, is