Article from "National Vanguard"

Mestizos Threaten MassachusettsReport; Posted on: 2006-03-02 11:33:20
Flashpan of American Revolution darkens By Frosty Wooldridge, Massachusetts stopped the British. “But it sold out to an invasion of illegal aliens,” said Joe Rizoli of Concerned Friends and Citizens of Illegal Immigration Law Enforcement. If you think illegal aliens stay in the Southwest, think again. If you think Phoenix with 57,000 cars stolen annually by illegal aliens is an isolated problem, think again. If you think the 7,000 illegal aliens housed in Colorado prisons are that state’s problem, think again. If you think the rapes, killings, drunks, overrun schools and anchor babies don’t happen in your state, think again. “My town of Framingham has a population of 67,000,” Rizoli said. “The most recent official count is that there are 20,329 Brazilians living in Framingham, most are illegal. Many take advantage of local social services and their children overburden our schools and other public institutions, all of which seem to be more than happy to serve their needs. This creates a heavy tax burden on the average homeowner forcing them to sell their homes and move out of town.“What happens next is predictable; illegal aliens buy these vacated homes and turn them into rooming houses, thus violating most building codes established by the town’s by-laws. This generates parking problems and quality of life issues for most of the town’s residents and homeowners. “This array of problems didn’t just happen overnight. Over the last 20 years, town officials and State Representatives sold themselves out to an endearing oligarchy of Brazilian friendships that the working class citizenry were not invited to join. “Framingham has not only embraced this local illegal alien invasion, it also initiated and established a Sister City pact with a Brazilian city, Governador Valadares, the most corrupt city in Brazil.” “Its biggest export is illegal aliens and document fraud,” Rizoli said. “Of course, their idea of this Sister City pact emphasizes a sharing of cultures to make a bond with Brazil. Reading the daily police blotter these days one cannot help but notice which “culture” is getting the most police attention. “Like many cities and towns in this invasion of America we now have day laborers loitering in front of the local Brazilian bakery looking for work. While town officials sit in their offices directly across the street!” “It is at sites like these across the country where the American betrayers shun all sense of prescribed law and “employ” these workers,” Rizoli said. “Of course, the claim is “they work hard.” The reality is that they work for wages that no American could live on, unless you are living in a house with 15 plus people sharing expenses. “A recent Wall Street Journal article exposed the illegals working in Framingham revealing how widespread the problem has become. A notable quote describes the situation this way, “Illegals have made Framingham an outlaw town.”
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