Home Owners Association attempts to run me out!

The HOA, a roving group of black thugs that are attempting to eject me from the neighborhood are at it again. My family and I are being fined for parking on the street, which I recently found out is against some new set of rules that the HOA thugs made up. We received a notice letter for a violation that occurred Christmas Eve for 2 hours when my crippled mother in law was forced to park her car behind my 2 allotted parking spaces. The negroids of the HOA which do not celebrate Christmas due to their heathen Kwanza holiday must have been huddled outside of my residence waiting for the only white man in the neighborhood to commit some kind of treachery. Sure enough, my evil car was parked in the street on Christmas Eve! The letter that I received informing me of the violation of the rules (that were not made available to me in the first place) stated that a group of 3 witnessed this horrid display of whiteness. This letter also was sent to notify me 3 months after the incident took place. The very next day, I of course, received another letter with another violation of parking my car in the street. Now I am expected to pay a fine! These savages will not drive me from my home! I am sick and tired of being the victim of mudd races that oppress me because of my heritage.
I have now experienced for over 5 years the true face a prejudice and racism and I know now that there is only one victimized race in this time and age, whites.
I have been singled out and ridiculed in the work place for my race and heterosexuality. I have had a boss that called me a "hillbilly" and a "redneck", you would think for good reason. Like maybe, I previously made a comment that would warrant such name calling. The fact of the matter the more unbiased and liberal I acted towards others in the workplace the more that I was "picked on" for being a straight white male. I accosted by blacks and Haitians who labeled me a racist in the office that I worked in for the simple fact that I had worked hard and attained a management position. These so called oppressed people would threaten my life and my family right out in the open! When I decided that I had had enough and sent complaint letters to various attorneys and government agencies that are supposed to be advocates for victims such as myself I received no response or was told that no one would believe what was actually occurring. I have been driven to my current belief system and will work as hard as I can to make sure that white families will not be driven from their jobs and homes by swarms of mudd races at the command of the Jew!
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