Upstanding Illegal Workers..... 'Sure'

I read an article yesterday that announced, 'if the counties that are along the Mexican- American border were put together as a state, they would have the highest crime rate in the country'. Not only would they have the highest crime rate, they would also have the largest amount of people infected with STD's and TB. The fact is these parasites are spreading. Border hoppers do not contribute in any form to our society, although I am sure you would hear an argument on that particular from King George Bush. I guess people just like seeing these kind of articles in the paper?
Illegal Alien Accused of Stabbing Couple with a Pitchfork
( 3/9/2006 )
A Jefferson County Grand Jury Thursday handed down an indictment for a man police say stabbed two people with a pitchfork inside a Port Neches home.17-year-old Ivan Barraza-Alonzo was indicted on two counts of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon.Investigators tell Hometown News he busted into a home in the 700 block of Avenue C in Port Neches back in February and stabbed the homeowners with a pitchfork. The husband and wife were able to fight Barraza-Alonzo off.Police then used blood hounds to track him down at a nearby home. The Immigration and Naturalization Service put a hold on him and some others inside that home for being illegal aliens.Both stabbing victims were treated for their minor stab wounds.
In recent years it has become difficult to avoid perceiving immigrants, legal or not, as overwhelming this country with serious crime. The case of Rafael Resendez-Ramirez, an illegal Mexican drifter, seems to have crystallized public fears. Ramirez, wanted in an FBI manhunt in the brutal murders of at least eight people near railroad tracks in Texas, Kentucky, and Illinois, surrendered himself to Texas Rangers at a border crossing near El Paso in July 1999. What especially aroused public ire was not just the magnitude of Ramirez’s crimes, but that he previously had been in federal custody. A check with the Immigration and Naturalization Service’s Border Patrol computer identification files showed he was a repeat offender who reentered the U.S. after three deportations, and who voluntarily returned to Mexico at least nine times following apprehensions. In fact, four of the murders took place in the weeks following his release by the U.S. Border Patrol back to Mexico. Ramirez eventually pled guilty in Texas state court on multiple murder charges, and at his own request, received the death penalty. He currently is awaiting execution.
Bush Proposes Gold Cards for Illegals
2006-03-09 20:12:24
Despite alienating his ostensible constituency, Bush plows ever onward toward a multiracialist future. by James Buchanan IN A NEW AMNESTY plan by the Bush regime, illegal aliens will get "Gold Cards." These aren't credit cards, but a new form of identification similar to the "Green Card" held by people going through normal immigration channels. Essentially, the illegals will be allowed to stay in the U.S. and get everything except citizenship. Meanwhile, any children they have will automatically become U.S. citizens. One Web site monitoring the illegal alien issue reports: "Can he (Bush) sell the Senate 'Tarjetas Dorado' aka 'Gold Cards' for Illegal Aliens allowing them to stay in (the) U.S. indefinitely? ...[A] secret briefing for Senate staffers was held by the Bush administration today. In a move to build support for Bush's guest worker amnesty plan, administration officials talked about how they would actually implement the program. Jaws dropped as the administration reps explained the centerpiece of the program, a 'Gold Card' that would enable illegal aliens to enter the U.S. at will, and work at any job with no labor market or other tests needed, but would deny them citizenship… Specter was pushing the Bush-designed initiative of allowing illegal aliens to receive 'Gold Cards' renewable indefinitely. In other words, a massive amnesty!"In an interview on the John and Ken radio show, Dan Stein called George Bush "uneducable." Bush continues to ignore fervent, emotional opposition by almost everyone in his own party. Bush continues to advocate turning the U.S. into northern Mexico. The Star Telegram reports: "The Senate's main immigration bill would enable most illegal immigrants now in the United States to remain indefinitely as long as they stay employed… The Senate Judiciary Committee will begin debating the measure Wednesday… the legislation is designed to strike a middle course between a bill passed by the House of Representatives calling for tougher immigration enforcement and pro-immigration advocates who call for permanent legal status -- and eventual citizenship -- for the estimated 11 million aliens now in the country illegally. "President Bush, defying objections from conservatives, has called for an overhaul of the nation's immigration laws and the creation of a temporary guest-worker program to ensure a steady source of labor for U.S. business. Under Bush's plan, qualified workers, including residents now here illegally, could stay in jobs for up to six years, then would be required to return home. Senate Judiciary Committee staff members who explained key provisions of Specter's bill on Monday said that the measure would create a 'Gold Card' program for illegal immigrants who entered the United States before Jan. 4, 2004. It also would create a guest-worker program to bring in more foreign laborers." Not only does Bush want to give an amnesty in the form of these "Gold Cards" to 11 million illegal aliens, Bush wants to keep the door open and invite in millions more with his guest worker program which is basically "Bush's Amnesty Plan Part 2." George Bush needs to be impeached. He clearly does not have a clue and the sooner we get him out of the White House the better. If we leave this dim-witted chimp in the presidency until his second term runs out, he will give an amnesty to 11 million illegal aliens from the Third World -- who will never assimilate, but will drag America down. The entire Bush administration should be impeached for failing to uphold existing immigration laws and a dozen other serious high crimes which have gone unpunished until now.
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